
  • Life Update: I’m Back! March 9, 2017

    Can you believe that it’s been since June of 2016 that I last blogged?! That was so long ago and a LOT has changed since then. I thought it’s about time I stop back by this place and post an update. And if you’re actually reading this and remembered I had a blog, thank you so much for reading! In this post I’ll address some general questions people may have.…

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  • Life Update: I'm Back! March 9, 2017

    Can you believe that it’s been since June of 2016 that I last blogged?! That was so long ago and a LOT has changed since then. I thought it’s about time I stop back by this place and post an update. And if you’re actually…

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  • Currently// January 2016 January 6, 2016

    Oh hey. We’re almost a week into 2016 and I totally missed out on sharing any hopes and goals I have for 2016.  Oops. It’s mostly because I’m still making them up! So today I’m linking up with In Residence and Gold and Bloom to share what I’m currently up…

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  • 6 Mistakes Made in My Blog Design September 14, 2015

    If you have been following my blog before the summer months then you were familiar with my former blog design. Evidently I’ve now done some redesigning. Today I want to share with you some mistakes I made in my former blog design, so that you…

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  • The Story Behind My Blog Name September 7, 2015

    Happy Labor Day everyone!! Today I’m joining Bailey at Brave Love blog for today’s Blog-Tember prompt: Tell us about your blog name. Where did it come from? Let me start from the beginning. It all began in 2012. I had stumbled into the blog world and was…

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  • 5 Things I’m Passionate About September 4, 2015

    Hi everyone! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week so far and if you’re anything like me then you are so glad it’s Friday! My grad school schedule has kept me a little busy this week, but I’m happy I could show up today. So…

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  • 5 Things I'm Passionate About September 4, 2015

    Hi everyone! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week so far and if you’re anything like me then you are so glad it’s Friday! My grad school schedule has kept me a little busy this week, but I’m happy I could show up today. So…

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  • I Forgot How to Blog August 10, 2015

    ***Before you read this please know this is not a post for pity. Or a post bragging about how busy I am (because I’m really not at all). It’s hopefully a kick in the pants to get my blogging in gear. Hey. What’s Up. Hello.…

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  • Why I'm Still Struggling with Blogging April 28, 2015

    Earlier in the year I wrote about how I was struggling with blogging. The inspiration to write blog posts wasn’t coming. It was a struggle to come up with content to write about on my blog. It was frustrating. Fast forward to the present and…

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  • Why I’m Still Struggling with Blogging April 28, 2015

    Earlier in the year I wrote about how I was struggling with blogging. The inspiration to write blog posts wasn’t coming. It was a struggle to come up with content to write about on my blog. It was frustrating. Fast forward to the present and…

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