blog design

  • 6 Mistakes Made in My Blog Design September 14, 2015

    If you have been following my blog before the summer months then you were familiar with my former blog design. Evidently I’ve now done some redesigning. Today I want to share with you some mistakes I made in my former blog design, so that you will have these in mind when you consider your blog design. When I first switched over to a self-hosted blog last summer, I decided to invest…

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  • Why You Need to Go Self-Hosted November 3, 2014

    So you started a blog and now aspire of growing your blog. However you’re still hosted through WordPress or Blogger (meaning you have .wordpress after your name). That’s great and it’s free, but if your blog is going to be more than just a little…

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  • Thursday Thoughts 1 March 28, 2013

    Today is my first Thursday Thoughts post! Hopefully I have some provoking thoughts to share with you today. We’ll see how it goes… 1) I really want to change the design of my blog. I want to spice it up a little. Add some splashes…

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