
  • Coffee Date// Vol. 5 June 26, 2015

    Grab your cup of coffee and join me for a little coffee date hosted by Jenna from Gold and Bloom. My cup of coffee comes with a side of chocolate birthday cake since it’s my birthday week! Highs //I turn 23 on Saturday. 22 has been a pretty good year for me. I graduated from college. I started my first real teaching job. I got accepted into grad school. I’ve been…

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  • My First CrossFit Competition June 22, 2015

    On Saturday I competed in my first CrossFit competition! The box at home organized and made this competition happen. The coaches had been telling me that I should sign up so I did. I was nervous, yet excited to compete and see how I did.…

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  • Birthday Weekend Recap & July Goals July 1, 2014

    So last weekend was my 22nd birthday if you didn’t realize that despite all my “birthday” posts. The CrossFit box I go to designs a special WOD whenever someone has a birthday, so Friday they made one for me. WOD: 6 Squat Cleans, 27 Box…

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  • Birthday Weekend Recap & July Goals July 1, 2014

    So last weekend was my 22nd birthday if you didn’t realize that despite all my “birthday” posts. The CrossFit box I go to designs a special WOD whenever someone has a birthday, so Friday they made one for me. WOD: 6 Squat Cleans, 27 Box…

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  • 21 Things I Learned My 21st Year June 27, 2014

    21 was an interesting year for me. Not because I was of legal age, but because of some other things that happened in my life. I learned a lot this year, a whole lot. That’s what led me to write this post for my 22nd…

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  • I’m Turning 22 And It’s Okay June 23, 2014

    Friday, June 27, marks the day when I will no longer be 21. I’ll be turning the big double deuce. This time last year I was anxiously awaiting my birthday so I could be of legal age to consume alcohol and be old enough to…

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  • I'm Turning 22 And It's Okay June 23, 2014

    Friday, June 27, marks the day when I will no longer be 21. I’ll be turning the big double deuce. This time last year I was anxiously awaiting my birthday so I could be of legal age to consume alcohol and be old enough to…

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  • Getting’ patriotic on my 21st birthday July 2, 2013

    Woo hoo I’m 21!! Now all the excitement of turning that golden number is over. Now I’m just 21. Now I’m really getting old. My 21st birthday was a glorious day. My friend Molly who got married this weekend took me to get a pedicure…

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  • Last Post as a 20 Year Old June 26, 2013

    Yep today is my last day being 20 years old. I’ve been waiting for this day to get here for the past year, but now that it has arrived I wish it would go back a couple of days. So does that mean my 21st…

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