
  • Guest Post// The Books That Changed Me April 6, 2015

    Hello everyone! Today’s guest post comes from Kimberley from Peculiar Treasures. Kimberley is a 20-something blogger from Australia. She blogs about life, faith and the world around. Her love for Christ shines through her writing and her blog. Today Kim talks about books that have changed her. Enjoy! The Bible The Bible is probably the book that has changed me the most. It is through reading this book that I have learnt…

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  • Community Brew // Seasons November 20, 2014

    I’m a little late, but I’m linking up with Rachel of Oh Simple Thoughts and Madison of Wetherills Say I Do for Community Brew. The topic for this month’s Community Brew is Seasons. Seasons. What a perfect topic for me to write about. The season…

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  • To Be Used For Beauty September 8, 2014

    Take these hands. I know they’re empty, but with you I can be used for beauty in your perfect plan for all I am is yours.     As we sung the lyrics to this song during worship at church on Sunday I felt them resonate…

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