best friends

  • Currently// May May 6, 2015

    Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Gold and Bloom for the May edition of Currently. Designing// A life that I love. I often let stereotypical expectations of what I think I should be doing get in the way of what I truly, deep down want to be doing with my life.  Enjoying// My time with my high school seniors. Friday will be their last day at school and I’m already crying…

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  • Paleo// Week 2 & Weekend February 11, 2015

    Today I’m linking up for What I Ate Wednesday to share about another week of eating paleo and my weekend! I did make it through a second week of eating paleo. My menu was pretty similar to last week, except I tried turkey burgers this…

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  • Paleo// Week 2 & Weekend February 11, 2015

    Today I’m linking up for What I Ate Wednesday to share about another week of eating paleo and my weekend! I did make it through a second week of eating paleo. My menu was pretty similar to last week, except I tried turkey burgers this…

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  • 5 Things Sorority Life Gave Me August 26, 2014

    With recruitment right around the corner and with many sororities who have already welcomed their fall 2014 pledge class I wanted to share why joining a sorority was one of the best decisions I ever made. This past May marked the ending of my time…

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  • You Need Other People July 21, 2014

    This weekend I went to Albuquerque for a weekend reunion with a group of my best friends. I hadn’t seen these girls since graduation in May, so it was a much needed girls weekend. The entire time I was there I was filled with happiness…

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