
  • Guest Post// Why I Won’t Call You Skinny April 1, 2015

    Heyyy! Today’s guest post comes from Martha Kate from Leaving Perfection Learning Grace. She blogs about her journey recovering from ED and strives to be a source of hope and encouragement. Martha Kate also shares with me a love for all things gold. I hope her words will shine a light in your life today. Take it away MK!  I remember the first time I heard the words that will stay…

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  • Guest Post// Why I Won't Call You Skinny April 1, 2015

    Heyyy! Today’s guest post comes from Martha Kate from Leaving Perfection Learning Grace. She blogs about her journey recovering from ED and strives to be a source of hope and encouragement. Martha Kate also shares with me a love for all things gold. I hope her…

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  • 11 Realizations About Small Town Life December 1, 2014

    This past week I went home for Thanksgiving and am now reflecting on my time there. I grew up on a farm, near what most people would refer to as a small town. Small town farm life is like no other and when compared with…

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