back to school

  • Hellooo Student Teaching August 21, 2014

    Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud! I haven’t been blogging about my life too much lately since I just got my blog set up this week, so this gives a general run down of what I’ve been up to: As of the end of Friday I will have completed my 3rd week of student teaching! Isn’t that crazy! I was so blessed to be…

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  • From Thoughts to Words January 16, 2014

    As I was laying in bed last night before my first day back to that college grind, I mentally came to accept that this truly is my last semester of classes. Of course the semester after this one I’ll be doing student teaching, which I…

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  • Friday Faves: Back-To-College Basics September 6, 2013

    Guess what!! It’s Friday y’all!! I got to start my Friday with my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the year. Bad decision. I forgot how good these are!! And in the office I work for the secretary for the part I’m in gave us all…

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