
  • Summer Update June 16, 2016

    Hi everyone! Whew! Summer is flying by already! Before summer passes by without me blogging, I thought I would post about what I’ve been up to lately through a link-up with Thinking Out Loud.  //After completing my second semester of graduate school I’m starting the home stretch towards graduation. This summer I’m a social media intern on campus in the mornings and a writing intern at a publication company in the…

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  • I’m Turning 22 And It’s Okay June 23, 2014

    Friday, June 27, marks the day when I will no longer be 21. I’ll be turning the big double deuce. This time last year I was anxiously awaiting my birthday so I could be of legal age to consume alcohol and be old enough to…

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  • I'm Turning 22 And It's Okay June 23, 2014

    Friday, June 27, marks the day when I will no longer be 21. I’ll be turning the big double deuce. This time last year I was anxiously awaiting my birthday so I could be of legal age to consume alcohol and be old enough to…

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