• 21 Things I Learned My 21st Year

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 27, 2014

    21 was an interesting year for me. Not because I was of legal age, but because of some other things that happened in my life. I learned a lot this year, a whole lot. That’s what led me to write this post for my 22nd birthday, not to try to teach someone anything but to have a place where I can come back for a reminder. And thank you to…

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  • I’m Turning 22 And It’s Okay

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 23, 2014

    Friday, June 27, marks the day when I will no longer be 21. I’ll be turning the big double deuce. This time last year I was anxiously awaiting my birthday so I could be of legal age to consume alcohol and be old enough to…

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  • I'm Turning 22 And It's Okay

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 23, 2014

    Friday, June 27, marks the day when I will no longer be 21. I’ll be turning the big double deuce. This time last year I was anxiously awaiting my birthday so I could be of legal age to consume alcohol and be old enough to…

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