• Looking Back on 2014

    skystarbuck@gmail.com December 30, 2014

    2014 was a year for the books and I still can’t believe it’s coming to a close. When I think back on 2014 I see two distinct sections of my life. Last spring was one of the funnest times in college I’ve ever had. It was my last semester with most of my sorority sisters and we lived it up (seriously though). Then summer came and went and I was…

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  • X Games Austin 2014

    skystarbuck@gmail.com June 10, 2014

    This past weekend my family and I went to the X-Games in Austin, Texas. Since I was a young girl I remember watching the X-Games and hoping someday that we would get to go. Before the X-Games had always been in Los Angeles, but this…

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  • Summer 2014 Goals

    skystarbuck@gmail.com May 19, 2014

    Summer. Images of sunshine, tan lines, and iced coffee fill my mind. Entering the beginning of my summer break I always have lofty hopes and plans for what I want to do and accomplish during this time. So I’m sharing my goals for summer on…

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  • Steamboat Ski Trip & MusicFest

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 14, 2014

    For the second year in a row I went to MusicFest in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It’s 4 days of skiing and 4 afternoons and nights filled with the sounds of Texas Country Music. It’s basically a 4 day long party that combines the best of…

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  • Steamboat Ski Trip & MusicFest

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 14, 2014

    For the second year in a row I went to MusicFest in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It’s 4 days of skiing and 4 afternoons and nights filled with the sounds of Texas Country Music. It’s basically a 4 day long party that combines the best of…

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