Summertime Sadness: Music & Food Favorites

SkylarAugust 24, 2013

Happyyyy Saturday everyone!!
I started my morning off with this yoga sequence. It only took me about 5 minutes…too fast? Probably. But it was a great way to get my body stretched and moving before a long day at recruitment workshops.

And my sister and I still haven’t eaten all of the cinnamon bagels, so I had half of one smeared with almond butter and a drizzle of honey. Yum!
Today I went to share with you some of my summer favorites in music and food!!
Of course the first summer music favorite I have is Ellie Goulding and “I Need Your Love.” To this day I am still obssessed with this song!

Kacey Musgraves’s album is soo good! Check her out and I bet you’ll like her!
And last but not least is this song by Avicii. Love it!

Now on to what we all love here in the blog world. FOOD!!
Plenty of protein pancakes.
Green Monsters.
Coconut Chobani!!!  IMG_0791
A chocolate cupcake from Hey Cupcake in Austin!IMG_0660
Tons of hazelnut iced coffee from McDonald’s!
Chocolate cake. You can’t go wrong with a plain ol’ boxed chocolate cake. My favorite dessert ever. DSC_0408
Well those are some of my favorite summer foods and music selections! Next post will have my favorite fashion and fitness finds from summer!
What are some of your favorite foods from the summer? Music?

Comments (2)

  • pickyrunner

    August 24, 2013 at 12:59 pm

    Mmmmm I’m getting rungry after reading this post. I feel a sugar craving coming on. Aka I should probably go eat lunch. I need your love is probably my second favorite song right now behind Summertime Sadness.

  • Aurora

    August 24, 2013 at 4:25 pm

    I heard Wake Me Up for the first time on your blog-it only just started playing on the radio here last week. I felt so ahead of the curve! Haha.

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