Summer Update

SkylarJune 16, 2016

Hi everyone! Whew! Summer is flying by already! Before summer passes by without me blogging, I thought I would post about what I’ve been up to lately through a link-up with Thinking Out Loud


//After completing my second semester of graduate school I’m starting the home stretch towards graduation. This summer I’m a social media intern on campus in the mornings and a writing intern at a publication company in the afternoon. I’m also taking an agriculture communication class on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons. Basically my Mon-Thursdays are full.


//My weekends have been filled with weddings and not to attend them, but to photograph them. I’ve been dreaming of shooting weddings for over a year and a half and it’s crazy that I’m getting to do that. I photographed my first official wedding this past Saturday and have another wedding later in June. The other weekends in June I’ve been second shooting with a local photographer. Most of her clients are in Dallas or Austin. So I’ve gone to Austin with her twice and we’ll be headed to Houston this weekend. Follow me on snapchat (skylarrain) for behind-the-scenes!


//All the driving I’ve been doing lately means that I have hours to listen to podcasts. Girls Gone WOD podcast has been one of my longtime favorites. I’ve also been listening to some photography ones and Criminal is another interesting podcast I’ve started listening to. 


//I’ve still been doing CrossFit, but my new schedule and the summer heat is kicking my butt. I used to go to a class at 4:30, but now it’s best if I go at 5:30. I’m glad I can still go, but by the time I leave work I’m dog tired and hot and then I’m sluggish and slow through workouts.

I’ve decided it’s because I haven’t been going to bed early enough. This week I’ve been trying to work on that, but it only makes me want to sleep more. I’ve also been trying to go to a yoga class on-campus. My goal is to go once or twice a week. It’s nice to relax and stretch and build strength in a different way. Sometimes my body needs a break from CrossFit. 


//By the time I get home after CrossFit, I hop in the shower, cook dinner, wash dishes, and maybe watch one show while I do homework or work on photo stuff. I live a fun life. Basically I’m “adulting” but I don’t have a real job yet.  


//Last semester I remember feeling a little guilty and weird that I had so much freedom with my schedule and so much free time. Though I’m kicking myself for piling so much stuff on these two months, I’m glad my days are filled. It makes them go by faster. However, it also means I don’t get to go home as much and my ability to take summer vacations is pretty much nonexistent. But I’m trying to take it one day at a time and before I know it summer will be over!

How is your summer?

Any summer trips planned?

Comments (4)

  • Emma

    June 16, 2016 at 7:48 am

    Wow you are so busy!! Props to you!

    Emma | Seeking the South

  • Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    June 16, 2016 at 3:20 pm

    Photographing weddings? That’s seriously so cool! And I feel like life is all about going through different phases where things will be crazy and then slow down. There’s good things about both of them!

  • Julie Hood

    June 21, 2016 at 5:09 am

    I saw your Insta post on shooting weddings and how it’s a dream fulfilled–and I’m so proud of you!!! Also, congrats on being even closer to grad school graduation! 😀

  • Life Update: I'm Back! – Blonde Freedom

    March 9, 2017 at 7:09 am

    […] past summer was one of the busiest and most chaotic of my life. After I posted that last post, life only got crazier. I was doing summer school full-time and was in two internships that led to […]

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