Student Teaching Outfits

SkylarSeptember 17, 2014

Today’s post is a little outside of my comfort zone.  As a student teacher on the edge of graduating and becoming a normal teacher I’ve had a hard time finding teaching outfit ideas.

Before student teaching it was acceptable to wear yoga pants and a hoodie to class. Now I have to dress professionally 5 days a week every week. The struggle is real.

So I went to Pinterest to get some outfit ideas, but it is lacking. Business attire is your best search on Pinterest.

Evidently I have some things to work on when it comes to clothing photos and if I do a post like this in the future I will be mindful of these things: Phone Photos=Low quality images Mirror=Hard to crop out Background clutter=Clean it up

Just a note: I’m currently student teaching in a high school. I’m teaching freshman English, and Yearbook (all grades). Thankfullly, I’m not someone who has to run around chasing elementary kids all day.

Student Teaching OutfitsPhoto 1: Pants-Banana Republic

Kimono- Charlotte Russe

Photo 2: Pants-Banana Republic


Photo 3: Pants-Banana Republic


Student Teaching Outfits Maxis 4

Photo 1:  Denim Shirt- Local Boutique

Maxi Dress- Pac Sun

Photo 2: Maxi Skirt-Target

Photo 3: Maxi Skirt-Local Boutique

Now that I’ve gotten into the swing of the school routine, picking out outfits has gotten a bit easier. I thought I would hate dressing nice every day, but now it’s a normal thing for me so it ain’t no thang. If you have any questions about anything I’m wearing then leave a comment!

Is if hard for you to dress professionally? What’s an outfit you’ve been loving lately?

Comments (3)

  • Mamacita

    September 17, 2014 at 11:04 pm

    You look very professional in your long skirts which you could not easily wear teaching little kids! Getting on the floor for some activities is a must for a good elementary teacher. Just ask your mom and grandmother!

  • Shari

    August 13, 2015 at 9:40 am

    Dressing professionally is a challenge for me since my go-to outfit is shorts, a t-shirt, and flip-flops! I stumbled on your blog while searching for outfit ideas on pinterest, and it was really helpful! Thanks a bunch!

    1. Skylar

      August 25, 2015 at 9:52 am

      I’m glad you found my post helpful! If you have any questions or need some resources shoot me an e-mail!

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