Steamboat Ski Trip & MusicFest

SkylarJanuary 14, 2014

For the second year in a row I went to MusicFest in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It’s 4 days of skiing and 4 afternoons and nights filled with the sounds of Texas Country Music. It’s basically a 4 day long party that combines the best of both worlds: Colorado skiing and Texas Country concerts.

The snow was great this year and the skiing/snowboarding (I ski) was amazing. The first day there was 15 inches of powder on top of the mountain. I would take powder over ice any day, but it definitely takes some getting used to and wrecked all of us good at least once. Anyways, I’ll try to keep my words to a minimum.

This is a picture from the first day of skiing. Does it look cold to you because it should? It was freezing that day and we all about froze. That day is probably a top 2 rank in most cold I’ve been skiing. Thankfully I got right back into my skiing groove, so that helped a lot and made things a lot more enjoyable. I wish I lived somewhere where I could ski all the time. I’m a pretty good skier in general. I’ll go down just about anything now, but I would love to get to ski more. Oh well I take what I can get.


That night we went to the Big Tent and saw Roger Creager and Casey Donahew Band.

The second day of skiing was not so cold. There’s just no way to look cute while skiing. We all wear helmets (which are incredibly warm), a turtle shell thing that keeps your mouth and head covered (super warm too), goggles (sunglasses don’t cut it), and the hair is in a braid. Somehow my hair still ends up frozen to my face throughout the day. That’s Cooper and I in the picture below. Cooper snowboards and has gotten to be really good at it.


That night we went up the Gondola to the lodge for an acoustic show. One of the main attractions was my favorite ginger, Cody Johnson. I just think he’s so adorable and I love love love his voice. Listen to the video below! And Cory Morrow also played. He’s a classic Texas Country artist.

The third day of skiing was another great day. We went down for the outdoor concert featuring The Dirty River Boys. These boys put on a wild show that is so full of energy and is just a rank ol’ time. I tried to find a Youtube video that showed them playing in front of a live audience. They’re really exciting to watch. Especially the drummer. He’s a wild child and for some reason I have a crush on him.

We saw Cody Johnson again that night in the big tent along with Jason Boland.

Our final day of skiing was great and I finally got hot while skiing that day. It was nice not being cold.


Just a pet peeve I don’t understand how some people can pay to come to MusicFest that includes lift tickets for all four days and not ski or board. That is crazy!!! What do they do all day? I don’t get annoyed by many things, but that’s one of the few things I just don’t understand.


We went down for the outdoor concert by the Turnpike Troubadours who are another one of my favorites.


That night we went to see the Randy Rogers Band in the big tent. I love going to concerts by them because all of their songs are great and I know all the words haha they’re another classic Texas Country band you must know!


And here are a few humorous videos that the boys enjoyed quoting throughout our time at Steamboat:

“I wake up. I put a good dip in.”

“Honey badger doesn’t give a sh**.” Excuse the language but it’s hilarious.

Once again I had a great time in Steamboat with a crazy fun group of people. You can’t beat the snow in Colorado and I’m so happy that I got to ski this season. I loved going to all the concerts and getting to see a lot of my favorite bands put on amazing shows! There are a lot of details I didn’t include in this post, but I just wanted to capture the main idea of the trip so I have it on record.

Sadly I’m going back to school today, so that’s why I wanted to bust this out before I get too busy at school. Hopefully, I have more time to blog this semester, but we’ll see! Have a great day everyone!

Did you watch any of the YouTube videos I posted? Any favorites?

Comments (1)

  • Christine@ Apple of My Eye

    January 14, 2014 at 6:35 pm

    SO jealous of your trip!! I’m a big country music fan and LOVE to ski, so I would kill for the opportunity to go on a vacation like this :D.

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