Springing forward in a red dress

SkylarMarch 10, 2013

Isn’t spring forward the worst time change. I woke up this morning with no alarm and my clock said 7:30 a.m. I thought I was doing good and was surprised I didn’t sleep in very late. I was wrong. It was actually 8:30 a.m., which is still rather early for Sunday.
I actually do like the time change. It’s nice to have so much light in the afternoon now for shenanigans. I want to start running outside again a couple times a week in the morning and I’m hoping it’s not too dark at 6 a.m. We’ll see I guess.

Something really exciting that happened this week is that Sarah Dussault from sarahfit.com replied to one of my tweets to her! She tweeted about one her arm routines that had to be taken down had been modified and up again. I loved that arm workout and was sad when it was taken down, but was super excited to see that it’s up again. Look there’s proof  and the arm routine video:

2013-03-08 09.42.432013-03-08 09.46.26

So this week I made it to Fit Camp on both Tuesday and Thursday morning. Tuesday was legs and Thursday was arms and I definitely got a good workout both mornings. IMG_20130308_094017Another plus of going to Fit Camp was getting a cool bracelet from one of the guy instructors who is a huge Herbalife distributor. It reads: “80% Nutrition 20% Fitness Lets Go” and the inside says “100% Attitude.” I love bracelets in general and love this one especially because it’s a good daily reminder to make healthy eating choices.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday were all cardio days I did two days on the treadmill and one day outside. Now that the weather is starting to cool off I will definitely be running outside more.


This weekend was my sorority’s date party and it was a Vegas theme. I borrowed a reddish-pink dress from one of my sister’s and some really cute Guess nude feels from another sister. Hence that is a major advantage of being in a sorority is the access to borrow cute clothes! Basically at date party you just dance around all night. I’m a horrible dancer. I’m wayyy too white to be attempting to dance, but I do just because I’m not serious about it.

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Typically to date parties or any dressy event I wear a black dress, so you may be surprised to see me in a red dress. Red is another one of my favorite colors and is one that I wear a lot. Black is still my favorite. Don’t worry. I’m not planning on changing my blog name to The Blonde in Red. That definitely doesn’t sound as cool.

The picture above is with some of my best friends from my pledge class of fall 2010. I love these girls all so much and am so blessed to have them in my life. Here’s a jam that we blasted multiple times while getting ready for date party. Listen to it:

Lastly, this past week has been an extremely stressful and emotional week due to some things going on.  This is what I felt like basically. I definitely should’ve went to Annie’s in the mall and gotten cinnamon and sugar pretzel. Maybe that would’ve made my week better. Probably not actually.

This verse has brought me comfort through the week:

I am leaving you with a gift–peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.John 14:27

Peace from God is like no other and I can have that peace. There is no reason for me to stress or be anxious about the future. God has it under control. All I can do is seek his will and continually develop my relationship with him. Hopefully this next week will be a lot better! Now I’m off to a Zeta meeting.

Comments (1)

  • pickyrunner

    March 10, 2013 at 5:20 pm

    I LOVE YOUR DRESS!!! Also, that last gif- so accurate of my life.

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