Spring Break and 4 First Experiences

SkylarMarch 25, 2013

Hi everyone! I know it’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted on here, but my life has been crazy busy. I don’t really know what I’ve been up to these past couple of weeks, but I’m going to try my best to catch back up with some pictures! As I was writing this post I realized that I experienced three “firsts” over the past couple of weeks so they will be in bold!

The day after my last post I went to an Aggie baseball game with my sisters. Las Cruces seriously has the best weather, but sometimes it’s a little spontaneous. That night was beautiful.


IMG_20130315_194914Poor quality picture, but we got a new fro-you place in LC! It is seriously soooo good! The shop is really cute and has a fun atmosphere. They have a wall of toppings and they have a bar of toppings that are fresh fruits and baked goods like brownie and cheesecake pieces. You will be seeing more pictures from this place in future posts because I will be going back.

IMG_20130316_210621Excuse the bathroom clutter from this classy mirror pic. That Saturday we had Chapter Retreat (which I was kind of in charge of). We just went to someone’s parents’ house and spent a laid back afternoon together. We laid out for awhile, ate some fruit, and made tie-dye t-shirts! Evidently, the sun and I didn’t get along that day. We never do. The sun ended up winning and left me with a nice burnt back and some other red places on my body.

For my sorority I am the Director of Sisterhood and I had a sisterhood event to put on last week. Since it was the week before our spring break I decided to do a workout inspired sisterhood and went with yoga! We did a 30 minute yoga video and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun.

zta yoga sisterhoodyoga sisterhood 2A lot of girls hadn’t done yoga before, so they enjoyed trying it! My first yoga sisterhood was a success!!


For my sorority I was voted to participate in Alpha Gamma Rho’s Miss Daisy Duke pageant. I have never done a pageant type thing before so Miss Daisy Duke was my first! Part of their event included tabling to raise money for their philanthropy of Cowboys for Cancer. They took a picture of each girl competing and she had a jar by her picture at their table. The boys would ask people to vote for who should be the Miss Country Cutie by putting money in the jar of the girl they wanted to vote for. At the end of the week the girl who raised the most money in her jar was given the title of Miss Country Cutie. Guess who won that? This girl. Yes you can now refer to me as Miss Country Cutie.

601400_629017183780013_1264708920_n(1)Throughout the week I was preparing for the pageant. There were three other girls from Greek life competing and we met a couple times last week to practice our opening dance. We did a line dance type thing for the opening. I’m not a dancer at all, so that was kind of a challenge.

Thursday night was the pageant and I was kinda nervous. We did the opening dance and I think almost everyone messed up a couple times. I know I did! The next part was formal wear, so I walked around in a pretty little black dress while they read my bio.

Next came the talent portion. While the other contestants were singing and dancing, I was roping a roping dummy. I caught the horns twice and called it good. The final part was a Question & Answer. My question was if I could choose any superpower what would it be and why. I said that I would like to be invisible! I had an explanation, but y’all probably wouldn’t find it funny to read.

That was the end of the competition. Next, the judges made their decisions and the placings were announced. I didn’t end up winning Miss Daisy Duke, but I did come in second! I was happy and had so much fun throughout the week working with the AGR guys and the other girls in the competition! It was my first pageant type thing to be in, so it definitely served as a confidence booster.

I was also really amazed by the love and support my Zeta sister’s showed me that night! They made me feel special 🙂 isn’t the sign my Little made me super cute?!

And if it wasn’t for my coaches, Dusty and Stephen, and Cooper then I wouldn’t have roped the steer nor had Pour Some Sugar On Me as one of my songs. So I’m thankful for them too 🙂

IMG_20130318_071847Though this week was crazy with school and other Zeta shenanigans I did get my daily workouts in! I went to Fit Camp on both Tuesday and Thursday morning and they rocked my world. Definitely challenged me this week. Monday and Wednesday were cardio days with some abs.

I have to show you a picture of one of my new favorite go-to granola type bars.

IMG_20130318_141534I freakin’ love Luna bars. This one is Chocolate Dipped Coconut and reminds me of a Samoa Girl Scout cookie. So good!

Wanna see what my cardio workout for Saturday was?!

I ran in my first 5k Color Run!!

602090_497121150348157_931334866_n536467_497120887014850_1692691139_n401398_497120940348178_694245802_n378972_497121053681500_540453551_nIt was in Lubbock, Texas and I went with my mom, sister, aunt, and my two younger cousins. That morning we arrived at the Color Run around 8:45 (it started at 9) and there was already a sea of people. I’m not kidding. There were tons of people there. I don’t have a picture to show, but my Aunt does haha. Anyways, we probably waited at least an hour before we finally made it up to the starting line to start because they were starting people in groups.

Once we started me, my sister, Sage and Leah (my two cousins) sped off.  Throughout the entire course we were literally weaving our way through people, which was fun to us girls. The majority of people were walking. Going through each color station was really fun too. It was like you were going through a cloud of powdered dust. By the time we reached the finish line I really wasn’t tired. I felt like I was finally getting started with my run, but overall it was a blast making my way through it with my cousins. Cousins who run together stick together.

I will definitely run in another one and will be doing the one in June in Amarillo, TX. It truly is the happiest 5k on earth. Everyone just has a laidback attitude and no one takes it very seriously. I mean you really can’t when you’re getting blasted with powdered color.

578293_497121343681471_332081979_nThankfully, we had traveled to Lubbock the night before and spent the night, so after the race we had a hotel room to go back to to get cleaned up to go shopping.

Wanna see where we ate lunch?! It’s really exciting and made me super happy!

IMG_20130323_125917Chipotle!! I love, love, love that place. I just got a burrito bowl with brown rice, beef and chicken, black beans, lettuce, hot salsa, and cheese! It was so filling after the race because we were all starving!

Sometime this week I’ll have to show you my shopping purchases!

IMG_20130323_181610On our way home we stopped at Sonic to get a road drink and I went for one of their vanilla iced coffees. It was a little strong for me, so I stole some whipped cream from my sister’s frappe that helped sweeten it up. I really don’t know why I got iced coffee from Sonic, but I hadn’t had coffee that morning and was craving it!

Once we got back to town my mom dropped me off at a local Japanese Steakhouse for my first bachelorette party!! Sadly, I did not take any pictures. Major fail. After dinner we just went to the bride’s sister’s house and stayed up till late in the evening talking and catching up. Aren’t those the best nights sometimes? Just spending time with your girlfriends talking. Her wedding is Friday, so be expecting a post about my beautiful best friend and some pictures!

IMG_20130324_231503Lastly, I am on Spring Break this week! Woo hoo!! Finally!! Last night I had a stupid 8 page book report paper due, so today has finally been my first day of fun aside from Saturday. My hair will basically look like that ^ all week. Messy.

My goal for this week is to post every day! Annnddd to make some major changes and improvements to The Blonde in Black so get excited! Or don’t.

And here’s some motivation and encouragement for your Monday:

Comments (1)

  • pickyrunner

    March 25, 2013 at 8:56 pm

    You’ve been really busy! Your life is way more exciting than mine, that’s for sure 🙂

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