Spring Break 2014 in Vegas

SkylarMarch 30, 2014

Once again I went to Vegas and returned home safely! Spring break in Vegas with my sorority sisters and best friends was a trip I will never forget and have many great memories from!

We left for Vegas on an early Saturday morning.


We arrived in plenty of time for 10 am brunch at the Bellagio. Brunch wasn’t complete without mimosas! (**I prefer brunch at the Wynn. More value for your $$$)


Pool season is just beginning, so we spent our first afternoon out at the pool at our hotel the Monte Carlo.



Our first night out we went to XS at Encore. We had VIP access which somehow meant we were only allowed in the outside Beach Club part. Basically, it was more of a social time then time to dance. Avicii played that night, but sadly our group left way before he came on.


I don’t normally eat burgers for breakfast, but when I do I’m in Vegas. The next morning on our search for breakfast down the strip we ended up stopping and eating at Fatburger. Our burgers and fries hit the spot and were very reasonably priced.



We returned to our hotel for pool time, but made it back out on the strip again. For dinner this time we stopped at Bobby’s Burger Palace.


Bobby Flay knows how to do burgers right. I don’t remember what I ordered, but it came out with white American cheese and BBQ potato chips. It was honestly the best burger I’ve had in a long time. And the fries where amazing there too!

Next for our night time shenanigans we had a club crawl that we all paid to go on. To be honest I will never do another Vegas club crawl again. Do not do it! It’s not worth your money. (Especially if you are a girl because you can get into clubs for free!) We started out pretty early, 8pm is probably when we got to our first bar. We did get a free drink at each place, but we stayed at two different bars/restaurants for wayyy to long.


We ended up ditching the club crawl and going to Hakkasan club in MGM. That club was sooo much fun! It was pretty packed and we finally got to dance!!

One of my favorite moments is when they played Pompeii by Bastille and we were all singing and dancing together. When they blow out confetti over the dance floor is also my overall favorite part of being in the clubs. Its a surreal experience.



We stayed at Hakkasan almost the entire night dancing the night away. Or in my case trying to dance. I have white girl syndrome over here.

The next day we walked around some more down the strip and did some shopping.



That night our group of girls met some other fraternity boys from school for dinner at Senor Frog by Treasure Island. It was a fun place to start the night at. (Excuse the young man in the background. He ruins a perfectly good picture, but this is the only good one any of us have!)


After dinner we went to the suite of a fraternity guy from school who had been getting us on the list for clubs. His suite was at the Cosmopolitan and had a balcony! We had an amazing view and even got to watch the water show at the Bellagio from the balcony.


For our last night out we went to my favorite club, Marquee, in the Cosmo. We stayed front and center on the dance floor of the club for a lonngg time. They had confetti and light sticks which made dancing even more exciting. Check out my Instagram for a short video of what it was like in that club.


After we left the dance floor we went outside to the pool area that had more people socializing. It was neat to see that they had a big screen up there showing the front of the dance floor. We saw many of our friends on there and it was neat to think that we were on the screen the whole time we were in there dancing.



This isn’t the best picture, but I really liked my outfit that night and this one is the best full body one I have. We love our tribal print!


Our flight wasn’t scheduled for 8:30 pm the next day! At the time we were exciting at the idea of having a whole other day for shenanigans, but in the end we all ended up shopping and just anxiously waiting for the time to go by, so we could go home.

But I did get some In-N-Out Burger before I left.


Vegas definitely showed us a good time for our Spring Break, but we were all ready to get back to our simple lives in New Mexico. I could never live that Vegas lifestyle. It’s a little too fast and crazy for me. Going to Vegas twice within 3 months has been more than enough for me. I’d be fine waiting 3-5 more years before I go back.


Vegas has also been a reality check for me and my friends as some of them head towards graduation in 6 weeks. 6 weeks. That’s all we have left together in our normal 4 year college lives. Next semester things will completely change. While we’re scared for our uncertain future, I think we’re all excited to move beyond our sorority days to see what else the future holds. I know I take comfort in the fact that these girls are my best friends and regardless of where we may all end up, I know I’ll always have them to call on. Anyways, I need to stop before the tears start coming.

I’m sad that my spring break is over and that I go back to school tomorrow, but you know that’s just how it is. Thankfully, I’ve caught up on my sleep and am ready to begin a week of working out and eating healthy!

Comments (2)

  • pickyrunner

    March 31, 2014 at 5:30 am

    Your break sounds amazing! I’m going to Vegas with my mom in the fall and the only reason I want to go is the food. All of the burgers you ate have me DROOLING.

  • Jessica

    April 1, 2014 at 12:22 pm

    We started blogging almost at the same time! How crazy!

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It’s Spring Brakkkkee: Off to Vegas

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