Spring Break of '16

SkylarMarch 26, 2016

Last Sunday I returned to school and work after being on spring break last week. I was crying internally the entire drive back to Lubbock dreading the return of school. But I already made it to the weekend! So I’m back on that grad school grind. Let’s recap spring break now.
When people ask what I did on spring break I’ve been telling them “not a lot” because honestly I didn’t do much. My boyfriend spent the first half of spring break with me and got here on the first Saturday.
The bf and I love to eat, especially breakfast. I took him to a couple local breakfast places. The first one was the Lubbock Breakfast House. We evidently had a pretty basic breakfast and left with no complaints and full bellies.
Another morning we went to the Rain Café.
I read rave reviews about their crusted French toast so I ordered it. I loved the crunchy outside texture of the bread. It was like I was eating fried food for breakfast, but I wasn’t complaining. The bf got blueberry pancakes which were pretty tasty too.
Another day we drove to Palo Duro Canyon for the day. We hiked on the 6 mile Lighthouse trail. It was a perfect day to be out hiking and it felt good to be out in the sun. The views and landscape was absolutely stunning.
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I’m always happy to have the bf around for outdoor activities because he knows how to prepare. It’s also nice that we both enjoying getting outside and being active.
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He decided to climb up the side of the rock formation that was too near the cliff edge for me. I stood back and took pictures. He’s the body on the far end.
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Too soon I had to drop him off at the airport. You would think I would get better at the whole “see you soon” thing, but it really doesn’t get easier. Now we’re back at doing that long distance thing. So fun. 
The last weekend of my spring break I went to my old undergrad town of Las Cruces, NM. I second shot a wedding for a photographer there.
gardner wedding sneak-1
Going back to LC meant I also got to see a handful of friends I hadn’t seen in awhile. So it was super nice to catch up. I also got in a few LC meals that I had been missing and craving. 
Second shooting the wedding was a blast and I learned a TON. However, “wedding hangover” is a very real thing and I was totally exhausted by the end of the night and into the next day. My body was so tense and sore.
All in all, my spring break was awesome. It wasn’t anything wild or crazy, but I got a chance to see the bf and got some wedding photography experience! It was a perfect spring break! 
How have you been? 
Any exciting happenings in your life?

Comments (4)

  • Emilie Burke (@burkedoes)

    March 26, 2016 at 3:28 pm

    The distance thing really never does get any easier. Sorry girl.

  • chelsea jacobs

    March 28, 2016 at 8:02 am

    That french toast sounds delicious! I’m glad you guys got to spend some time together!

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    March 29, 2016 at 10:46 am

    That sounds like a fantastic break! Sometimes it’s nice to keep things lower key. I was home for about half my break, and I loved the downtime!

  • Julie Hood

    March 29, 2016 at 4:09 pm

    Breakfast is the best!! And shooting a wedding sounds fun 🙂

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