Some August Goals and Moto X love

SkylarAugust 3, 2013

(You may notice my blog design is different. I’m just going to say blog designing is tough. I have a lot to learn before this blog is going to look the way I want it.)

I don’t know why I’m so surprised when a new month rolls around. I mean I see the date on my phone and know that another day has gone by.

The thing about August is that it signifies another summer is coming to an end and a new season of life is beginning.

July was a good month to me. I traveled all over the place and enjoyed every second of it.

I’m not even going to look back on my July goals and for August I just have a few:

  • End my internship with a BANG
  • Enter my photos in the county fair
  • Keep working out 5-6 days a week
  • Get a blog design I like
  • Be more consistent at blogging or figure out a schedule
  • Have a great first week back at school

Right now I’m watching the live final motos of Loretta Lynns on TV. It’s the ultimate championship of amateur motocross riders and really determines if they have what it takes to go to the pro level. On TV they’re showing the 250 moto classes and those are the ones on the brink of going pro.

The crazy thing about Loretta Lynn’s is they’ve been hounded with rain this week so the track is a sloppy muddy mess. Props to those kids for riding in that. I can’t imagine how tough that has to be.

One thing you have yet to learn about me is that I love some motocross racing. It’s just a family thing. My Dad loves it and grew up riding. I grew up loving it and riding too. No races (I like to ride for leisure haha) or anything crazy for me, but I still love the sport.


And the X-Games in LA have been going on this week. My favorite events to watch are the moto-x events like Freestyle, Best Whip, and Step Up.

Since I’m a little occupied visually right now I’ll make things easy with a picture recap of this past week.

Successful protein pancake attempts.


Like today’s success.


And one protein pancake failure. I ended up just chopping it up and treating it like a scrambled egg. It still tasted really good though!


Mom and I satisfied our iced coffee addictions.


And enjoyed some coconut Cho for a snack.


Didn’t have a banana so had to improvise with a peach for a green monster. It turned out pretty good and peachy. A new twist on the typical green monsters with a banana.

Peach Green Monster

Snapped a few pictures of my old dog Holly enjoying a puddle of water after a rainy night.

DSC_0531 (2)

Got the oil changed on my truck. I’m so thankful I have a Dad who can take care of my truck the way he does and teaches me how to.


My sister and I went on a run yesterday, but ended up spending the rest of the evening talking to our aunt and cousins. Then went over to my grandpa’s house and caught up with them. We only made it .8 miles haha but family comes first.


Last but not least I went on 3 miles run this morning and followed that up with one of my favorite arm routines.


Yeah I totally ran barefoot this morning…not haha

After this race I’ll hop in the shower and head out to spend tonight with my boyfriend!

If you have a second here’s a link to my latest articles for my internship: Sorority Craft Box Essentials

What is one of your August goals? Do you watch the X-Games?

Comments (1)

  • Aurora

    August 3, 2013 at 9:47 pm

    U’m definitely having the same problem with blog design! I’m not happy with what I have but have NO CLUE how to make it at all better.

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