The Wrecking Ball Begins Its Descent

SkylarSeptember 19, 2013

I cannot express how happy I am that I have a chunk of spare time to do a little blogging. Right now we were supposed to be doing bid day pictures for my chapter, but they got moved due to rainy weather. Boo! Luckily, that gave me a chance to do whatever I want…Well there is homework I could do, but I’ll do it tomorrow. Blogging is my weapon of choice. Barnes & Nobles is my haven.


That chocolate bar is rich let me warn you.

Anyways, the past few weeks have been hectic to say the least. Y’all will understand I hope. You know how you get back to school and you’re just trying to get your schedule and routine figured out? Well I’ve finally figured mine out for the semester! Basically I’m in the classroom doing practicum hours, at work, or am in my college classes all day and most evenings.  A little bit of order has been established in my life.

I like to think I’m not an orderly person. That I’m just real laidback and go with the flow, which I am, but in a way I really do like to have a routine. I guess when I’m busy I like to have something to direct my days/weeks with.


I have almost established a consistent workout schedule. I say almost because I’ve finally worked out 4 days in a row just not at consistent times. Yesterday I got to go on a nice 3 mile run along the ditch bank. For my strength I’ve made it to fit camp twice and now my addiction for this group class has been rekindled. There is just something about working out in a group setting that really motivates me and pushes me to do my best in front of others.


Going to Fit Camp means I’m back to getting my weekly Herbalife shake. I always get a shake with a peanut butter bar.


Oatmeal has been my go-to breakfast these past couple of weeks and I’m so happy it has made a consistent appearance again in my life. It fills me with warmth and…fiber. Good fiber!


I’ve been packing my lunch like nobody’s business. I’ve been doing salads for lunch which so far I have yet to tire of. I just need to find a tiny container to put my dressing in so it doesn’t drench parts of my salad. Whoops.

I’ve been eating Think Thin and Quest bars like they’re going out of style.


Think Thin bars don’t have as much dietary fiber as I would like them too, but they remind me of eating a candy bar or a brownie. Maybe that’s a sign I should find a different bar. Any thoughts on these?


Quest bars are simply amazing. They are one of the only bars that truly fill me up after eating one and satisfy my sweet cravings in the afternoon. I love them.


Classes have been going well. I’m so happy I decided to take my photojournalism class. That’s my creative outlet. The class I’m free to do whatever I want and something that is truly fun for me. I’ll post my work on here throughout the semester. As for now I’m doing my first shoot for our assignment this weekend, so hopefully I’ll have some good work to show off!

I’m loving the English classroom I’ve been placed in this semester. The teacher is someone I truly look up to and see as a mentor, someone I’ll want to emulate in the future. I love her style of teaching and am so blessed to be placed with her. The students also seem like a really good group. Though I’m nervous to teach them, I’m really excited to work with them.

As far as this weekend my plans are pretty much non-existent which makes me happy. I have plenty to keep me busy and am looking forward to a chill weekend.

Like I mentioned in my last post (Recruitment & Rain) my parents came down last weekend and when I left off we were headed to a football game. I’ll share a few pictures I took from there.



Ahh I truly love sunsets and sunrises.You never know what kind of light you’ll get in the morning or at the end of the day.

So yeah my life has been crazy lately, but hey it’s just the beginning. Assignments are just now beginning to show up on my planner, so next week the wrecking ball starts to make its descent down and will swing through till November. Wrecking my life into complete and utter chaos and confusion until Thanksgiving break.

But there’s only one way I can face each morning and each project in my planner with a smile in my eyes. That’s with my hope and trust in God. I know he has a plan for me and has intentions for me being where I am. It’s easier said than done, but I need to release the tension in my shoulders and swing my backpack of heavy burdens over to Him. Dealing with things as they come instead of in my head ahead of time like so many of us like to do.

P.S. I really want to work on improving the overall quality of my blog. That means better quality pictures rather than my haphazardly snapped iphone photos and monotone sentences about what I’ve been eating and how my workouts have been. So hopefully you’ll start to see some changes for the better, but like everything else it’ll take some time.

I hope everyone has a delightful weekend and I hope to write another post soon, but we’ll see!

Have you settled into your routine for fall semester? How cope with stress and being busy?

Comments (1)

  • Aurora

    September 20, 2013 at 2:59 pm

    Have you seem the ThinkThin Fiber bars? I think they’re new. I think they taste even better than the normal bars, and I’m assuming they have more fiber!

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