Senior Photos & Life Lately

SkylarOctober 30, 2014

Hiii everyone! Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud to give you a peak at my life lately. Here’s a mini-recap of my weekend and my week thus far.
1//On Sunday night I had my senior pictures and I love this photo she posted for my sneak preview. I cannot wait to see the rest!!Senior Photo Sneak
2//I’m horrible at pumpkin carving. Mine is the cat. It looks…odd. Odd is the best word I have for it.
Pumpkin Carving 10-26
3// I was with my girlfriends this weekend and didn’t get coffee when we went to Starbucks. Shocker.
Starbucks 10-26
4// And sometimes I pose awkwardly when I really don’t intend to. Seriously. What am I doing?
Night Out 10-25
5//My homework no longer consists of doing work for school. It’s grading my students homework and preparing documents for job applications.
Grading 10-26
5// I got a 90lb power clean on Monday that I was pretty proud of it. It took me forever to get it, not because I couldn’t lift the weight, but because my body was being stupid. When I would start to shrug up my body would almost forget what to do next.
CrossFit Power Clean 10-27
6// I named the WOD we did yesterday night as Death to Skylar. We started off with Shoulder Presses 65# and Toes to Bar. That was fine and dandy. Then I did the WOD and started the first round of thrusters with 55#. Then my coach decided to increase my weight for the next 2 rounds and I was dying. And I did rowing instead of Double Unders.
All I wanted to do when I got home was lay on the floor and sleep with my foam roller. And that’s what I did.
Death to Skylar 10-29
7// Only 5 more weeks until student teaching after this and 6 weeks until graduation. Whattt…
8// Halloween is tomorrow and I haven’t decided on my costume yet. Yeah I should figure that out.
9// And just because there is no set structure to today’s post I’ll throw in some of my favorite Pinterest finds from this week. This living room makes me want to curl up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book.
candles in a glass box
10// You can never go wrong with a quote from the breakfast club.
Spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people... ~The Breakfast Club #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #quote
 That’s all for today!! Have a great Thursday!
What are you thinking about today?

Comments (6)

  • Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    October 30, 2014 at 2:20 pm

    I’m the queen of awkward poses and faces. The best pictures I have of me are the ones where I don’t know the picture is being taken, because as soon as I realize a camera is being pointed in my direction, I start to feel all sorts of awkward and it definitely comes through on film. Let’s just say that I’m definitely not cut out for the modelling life.

  • Sarah @pickyrunner

    October 30, 2014 at 2:27 pm

    LOVEEE your senior pics! I wish I had gotten some done but I’m so awkward in front of a camera (and in life in general) that they probably wouldn’t have come out very good haha

  • Mamacita

    October 30, 2014 at 3:55 pm

    Great pumpkin, Sky. Going shopping in Colorado Springs Saturday for something neat to wear to your graduation! Praying for your future after graduation. Love you!

  • Jessie

    October 31, 2014 at 1:41 am

    Darling, you’re gorgeous! From the look of the above photo, your senior photos turned out fantastic!

  • Cailee

    November 1, 2014 at 5:01 pm

    GREAT quote!! …and that room though?! SO pretty! Gotta love Pintrest (or hate it, because let’s be real… we could all spend TOO many hours on it)!!! 🙂 Btw your so funny with your picture… “sometimes I pose awkwardly when I really don’t intend to”!!! SO funny! Hope that you have a great rest of your weekend!

  • Kelly Daniel

    November 3, 2014 at 4:07 am

    Your senior pictures turned out much better than mine! And congrats on being just a couple months away from graduating! I remember the feeling when I graduated back in 2011. It’s great to stumble across another teacher as I taught elementary aged kids and now work at a private Christian preschool. I’m a new follower and I look forward to catching up with your posts!
    Primarily Inspired

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