Secret Blogger Club// #1

SkylarApril 15, 2015

Hi everyone! As shown by the title of today’s post I joined a Secret Blogger Club. It’s a pretty serious deal to say the least. Kelsey from The Blonder Side created this club (linkup) for all of us smaller bloggers to discover new blogs, make new blog friends, and support one another in the crazy world of blogging. 

The Blonder Side of Life


I couldn’t decided on what to blog about for today’s post, so instead I read a lot of other blogs. I’m going to share some of my favorite posts that I read!

10 Lessons I Learned from 16 Days in the Car with One Husband and Two Dogs// Lindsey at FitLifePursuits shares what she learned on a road trip her and her husband made from Florida to Oregon. She shares a few photos from New Mexico and Amarillo, TX which is my homeland so check it out!

Freezer-Friendly Oven-Fried Chicken Chimichangas//Abby from Winstead Wandering shares a delicious and easy recipe you can throw in the oven. Of course I’m always a fan of Mexican food, so I had to share!

Monday’s Motivation- Baby Steps// Cailee of Hello Healthy Eating challenges us to focus on one habit to change for a month. I know I have too many changes I want to make at once, which results in me not making any progress. So check out her post and choose a habit to focus on!

7 Things My Students Have Asked Me// Julie at A Hopeful Hood shares some questions she has gotten asked by the high schoolers she teaches. I absolutely loved this post because like Julie, my high school students ask me crazy things every day!

Preventative Maintenance// Christ at I Failed Fran uses the metaphor of car maintenance to remind us to take care of ourselves. I know I’ve been slacking on sleep and eating healthy lately, so that isn’t helping me stay any healthier. Check out his post and think of a way you can improve your self-care!

Now I’m off to a another day at school! See y’all later this week!

What have you been reading/watching/tweeting/listening to lately?

Anything I should check out?

Comments (9)

  • Kels @ Blonder Side of LIfe

    April 15, 2015 at 8:06 am

    Yay thanks for joinin in! As small as the linkup is every week I totally think it’s worth it for all the fun and new bloggers I meet through those that do join!

  • Ursula

    April 15, 2015 at 8:29 am

    yah to meeting new bloggers! And thanks for the links, now I have some new stuff to read 🙂

  • Lindsey @Fit Life Pursuits

    April 15, 2015 at 11:28 am

    Thanks so much! I’m so glad that you liked reading about our adventures! This is a great linkup, i’m excited about discovering new blogs! BTW…I responded to your comment on the post, YES it is a cinnamon roll from Frontier! Haha! Delicious!

  • Myra

    April 15, 2015 at 5:27 pm

    Yay! I just found & linked up with The Secret Blogger Club too! Looking forward to reading more of your posts and definitely going to check out some of the posts you’ve linked above! Have a wonderful rest of the week girl!

  • Chris

    April 15, 2015 at 9:16 pm

    Thanks for including me Skylar! =) I’ll check out some of your other recommendations. Take care of yourself… I’m sure you’d be much harder to replace than just some brakes!

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    April 16, 2015 at 1:38 pm

    I love the idea of Secret Blogger Club!

  • Nicole

    April 16, 2015 at 5:42 pm

    I’m new to the club, too! I’m excited to go check out these posts now! 🙂

  • Danielle

    April 17, 2015 at 6:01 am

    Welcome to the club! It’s super fun to link up and read some new blogs. 🙂 How fun to give a shout out to other blogs. 🙂

  • Julia @ Pennies & Paper

    April 24, 2015 at 5:02 pm

    Great links! As a former camp counselor, the questions from students is really hitting home.

    Thank you for linking up with the Secret Blogger Club!

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