Ryan Gosling and a Green Monster

SkylarMay 23, 2013

Have you seen the movie Crazy Stupid Love. If you haven’t seen it then you need to watch it. I thought I had a pretty decent crush on Ryan Gosling prior to watching the movie, but now my crush on him has skyrocketed through the roof! Holy cow is that man hottt!!!

Aside from Ryan Gosling that movie is pretty funny. I was watching it by myself and I caught myself laughing out loud multiple times. Steve Carrel definitely helps the comedy part of this movie and Emma Stone is simply adorable.

So today I woke up and did some work for my internship and drank some coffee while watching Good Morning America. By the way if you are reading this please take 3 minutes to take the College Lifestyles Readership Survey! You could win a Burt’s Bees spa package! I mean who doesn’t love Burt’s Bees. Here’s the link:



This morning I had my first green monster smoothie in months! I forgot how good they really do taste despite their intriguing green appearance. I didn’t even slack on the spinach today. I put in two heaping handfuls! Yummm


Now I want to share the two “strength” focused workouts that I did this week. Both are from Julie of the blog Peanut Butter Fingers. Ryan Gosling definitely was a huge motivator for me to workout today too haha.

The one I did on Tuesday was a functional training workout that I did two rounds of for a total 30 minute workout: Functional Training Workout.


The workout I did today is called the Burnin’ Legs & Abs Circuit Workout. It took me about close to 20 minutes to complete. After I finished that I took another 10 minutes to do a mix of some of my favorite leg and arm toning exercises to make my workout 30 minutes.

Now I’m eating my lunch/post-work fuel of…leftover thin crust pepperoni pizza. I know that’s exactly what all the fitness magazine say is the best post workout meal! I am having it with some broccoli and carrots, so it’s not all bad.

Tonight I’m hoping that Cooper will take me to see “The Great Gatsby” movie. I’m dying to see it!

In closing here are some things to brighten your day Smile

First is a link to my new song obsession. After I had heard this song and then decided to look it up I was surprised it was by Selena Gomez! But I like it! So come and get it haha

And a little heavenly encouragement:


After experiencing a life crisis yesterday, this verse from my devotional this morning was perfect! God will reveal his plan for me morning by morning. All I need to do is seek his will and he will lead me on the path he has for me! That’s easier said than done of course, but with a little patience and a lot of trust I’ll turn out okay SmileIsaiah 50:4 is the verse highlighted.

Any Ryan Gosling lovers out there? Is there a celebrity who motivates you to workout?

Comments (3)

  • aregularcupofjo

    May 23, 2013 at 12:00 pm

    Crazy Stupid Love was definitely a great movie. It really shows you the deep feelings that go into relationships. And the new Selena Gomez song is amazing. I have been playing it on repeat this whole week 🙂

  • pickyrunner

    May 23, 2013 at 12:27 pm

    Obsessed with that movie!!! I just took your survey 🙂 also, I’m having pizza for dinner. I was between that and a burger but reading this made up my mind.

  • Christine

    May 25, 2013 at 8:35 am

    First of all… Ryan Gosling=<3. I NEED to watch that movie, especially after your rave reviews!

    You're smoothie also looks so good! I also love that song by Selena Gomez. I thought I wouldn't like much of her music (I have a hard time getting over the whole "Disney Star" thing), but she's a pretty good singer! That song is already on my workout playlist 🙂

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