Reunited & MLK weekend

SkylarJanuary 21, 2014

Currently my life is pretty uneventful. I didn’t have school on Monday due to MLK day and I didn’t do anything noteworthy. Well I don’t have pictures anyways. Right now I don’t have homework I should be doing nor do I have  sorority events to fill up my schedule. Yet. That’s the key word.

The first week back has been a lot of fun and super laid back. Getting to be reunited with my friends has probably been the highlight. I really missed them. This semester will be bittersweet because for most of them it’s their last. Ahhh that makes me really sad. I can’t think about it. That will likely be a recurring topic on my blog I already know.


So a few weeks ago I posted about how I was going to try to start eating Paleo. Well the last part of break and so far at school I’ve been failing at doing so. There have been those rare occasions where I have though. After this weekend I think my body is a little upset with me. It does not want anymore cheese/dairy. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Here are a few Paleo-ish things I’ve been eating lately:

Eggs with spinach for breakfast. My new favorite breakfast at home. The key is hot sauce. I need to have hot sauce.


Sauteed chicken with boiled vegetables. Simple, but always good.


Protein pancakes. I love trying new ways to make a protein pancake and this one was a success! I made these for my sister and me one morning this weekend. I’ve been drinking hot water with lemon in the mornings. Don’t ask me why because I don’t know the answer.  (Yes, I know syrup is not Paleo nor is peanut butter.)



  • 1 banana

  • 1 egg

  • 1 egg white

  • 1 scoop protein powder

  • Dash of cinnamon

  • Drizzle of honey

Mash the banana then add the rest and mix well! I use a small skillet on medium heat with coconut oil in the pan. This makes about 2 medium sized pancakes depending on your skillet size too. I topped mine with peanut butter, strawberries, and tiny bit of syrup.

As far as my workout plan for this semester goes I have the 8 week plan for Best Body Bootcamp that I hope to do. It ends just in time for spring break. I loved doing it last spring and am glad I signed up for it again because this is the last time Tina is putting it on. I loved doing BBB because it really got me comfortable going to the weight room because I had a set plan and I saw great results from it.

I’m signed up to take a weight training class that a lot of my pledge class sisters will be in, but I’m not sure if I’ll stay in it. I was planning on doing my BBB workouts during that time. I really want to stay in it, but it messes up my morning flow and work schedule. I can’t be goin’ to class with wet hair and smelling like sweat and that would be frowned upon at work too. People do it, but I get too sweaty for that to be okay. So we’ll see.
Well I’m almost done at work for the day. I promise I had all my work and homework done before I wrote this up! I just have sorority meeting tonight and that’s it! I’ll leave you with a pretty quote below.
What is your favorite part of getting back to school? Are you taking any workout classes this semester?

Comments (1)

  • caileejoy

    January 26, 2014 at 1:24 pm

    First of all, I love that quote!! So true! Secondly, props to you on some really healthy paleo meals!! And I actually am taking a workout class at my college… I’m taking rock climbing! Should be pretty fun! haha, anyways… I hope that you have a great week! 🙂

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