Recruitment & Rain

SkylarSeptember 14, 2013

Last weekend was filled 24/7 with sorority recruitment. I’ll spare you with having to go into details about it and just share some pictures from the week.

But first of all I finally got to go to the farmer’s market this morning!! My Mom and Dad came down this weekend, so I wanted to take my Mom to the farmer’s market. First though my Mom went on a walk around the neighborhood this morning to get a little exercise in and look around the neighborhood. Then we got back to my house and gathered up the family to head out!


Of course I had to introduce my family to the best waffles ever. The guy who makes these waffles is from Belgium and he uses dough instead of batter. They are seriously sooo good!!


And a morning isn’t complete without some coffee. Other than waffles and coffee all we got was some vegetables, tomatoes and squash.


This past week has been crazy here at school not only with sorority recruitment and classes, but the weather!! It’s been raining since Wednesday and if you’ve been to New Mexico within the past 3 years you would know how scarce rain is.

Each morning and throughout the day the Organ mountains have been covered in fog. Luckily I’ve been able to get some pictures of them.

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I’ve seriously felt like I’ve lived in a completely different state these past couple of days. Fog, overcast days, and rain is a rare happening. Though I really wanted to be curled up at home with a book and a movie to watch, I was still happy to be at school. The weather just filled me with joy!

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Now here’s a few pictures from recruitment this past weekend. It went really well and all of our hard work and long hours paid off because we got some really amazing and gorgeous new Zetas!

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One exciting bonus about recruitment is that my real sister is now my ZTA sister!! Sister sister club!!

After an afternoon of some shopping we’re off to an Aggie football game!! Let’s go Aggies!!

I’m glad I got a few spare moments to finally blog again! Hopefully I’ll be back soon, but I can’t make any promises!

How is your weekend going?! Any farmer’s markets or football games this weekend?

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