Quick Trip Home

SkylarMarch 3, 2013

This weekend I made a surprise trip home to watch my little sister play her last official home basketball game.  I went to my one morning grammar class on Thursday and then headed to the good ol’ dirty Curry.

I definitely surprised my sister at her game (I think she got a bit teary eyed), but she made me a bit teary eyed when they recognized the seniors and she ran up and gave me a hug. The game didn’t go so swell, but I was simply glad I got to watch her play and to be back in my old stomping grounds surrounded by people I love.

Friday I went to town to run around with my mom and sister. We went to the mall for a bit and I was hoping to get some new clothes since I hadn’t while at school. I went into the dressing room at Dillard’s with 4 or 5 different dresses. None of them looked good. My sister tried on two things and both looked amazing on her! She doesn’t need anymore clothes. Anyways, she got a couple cute outfits and I ended up with a black lacy bandeau bra. At least I got something black.

Then my mom, sister,and I went to the movies and watched Safe Haven. I actually liked it! I haven’t read the book, but I figured since it was Nicholas Sparks that it would be all lovey-dovey and emotional. I won’t ruin it for anyone, but I liked it which I think the main man character in the movie contributed to the reason I liked it. He’s freakin hott. We enjoyed some popcorn and I had sour skittles. Sour skittles are my movie theater candy. I ate nearly the whole bag.

If that wasn’t enough sugar for the day, I went with my sister to Bahama Bucks to see a friend and the friends give Kenzee free drinks. She demanded I order something since I was on vacation. I went with a blended coffee drink called a Cocomel. I think it was blended coffee with coconut and caramel flavoring. All I know is that I was on sugar overload. Too much.

march 1 cocomelSince I had no real gym to go to this weekend I turned to YouTube for some great videos. I warmed up with 5 minutes of high knees, jumping jacks, and various other “pump up my heart rate” moves. Here’s the playlist I did.

Saturday I was wide awake at 7 am! I just stayed in bed until 8 reading “The Secret Garden” and then I made some protein pancakes topped with strawberries, peanut butter, and a side cup of coffee.

march 2

I sat around in the kitchen and talked with my Mom. Then I ventured outside to take some pictures. Here’s a few untouched.

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My Dad and I went to town for lunch and went to Twin Cronnies. I got a green chile cheeseburger and it was great!

march 1 twin cronnie

Later on Saturday my mom and I went to town to try shopping one more time. It was a little more successful, but nothing to take pictures of. I got two black shirts (go figure) and found some black wedges at Dillards pictured below. Sadly the ones I tried on had a green mark on the cork that wouldn’t come off, so they better have my size in black in perfect condition at the Dillard’s in Cruces. Or else….I will have to order them online.

Saturday night I just hung out with Mom and Dad. I broke into the chocolate chip cookie dough. It was quite enjoyable. Basically, I had some potential plans, but being on the brink of 21 sucks. All of my friends are turning 21 now. You will hear this pity party up until I turn 21 in June. Sorry bout it.

Today I head back to the LC. My parents and sister are taking me to Roswell to meet my boyfriend. We “car pooled” together. He came home with me Thursday and then went home on Friday morning. So anyways now I’m going back for the last few crazy weeks of March before spring break then I’ll be home once again. Lastly, I’ll leave you with a Sunday morning quote.

Comments (2)

  • pickyrunner

    March 3, 2013 at 10:22 am

    You had a busy weekend! I love spending a few days at home with my family but it’s always so hard for me to leave at the end. I’m not 21 yet either. I feel your pain

  • Abby

    March 3, 2013 at 3:37 pm

    Fun weekend!! I’ll be the last of my friends to turn 21 too (August). Being the only one that couldn’t drive was pretty sucky, too. Your pancakes look awesome! And that coco coffee thing? Gahh! Looks awesome!

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