Playing Catch Up on Thanksgiving Break

SkylarNovember 27, 2013

So break has been really nice so far. I’ve just been locked up in the house due to all the snow we got on Saturday. There’s my Dad running around on the tractor and clearing our driveway.


One of my favorite things about being home on break is my mom cooking breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, so any day that starts out with a cooked breakfast is bound to be a good one.

Sunday morning my Mom cooked scrambled eggs, sausage, and biscuits. Typically I’m not a huge sausage person, but the sausage we got from this pig has been so delicious. If I’m gladly eating one or two pieces of sausage then you know it must be good stuff.


My gorgeous cousin Sage turned 15 that day, so we all went over to their house for a family birthday party. Both my sister and I and our two cousins still have family birthday parties. It’s just what we do.


My Aunt made a delicious chocolate cake. As you all probably know chocolate cake is my favorite dessert. It was soooo good!!

Monday morning my Mom’s school got cancelled so we started our day off with some whole wheat pancakes from this site: They turned out really good, but you definitely had to have a topping on them.

DSC_0811The rest of Monday we just sat at home and I tried to work on some projects due next week. I made adequate progress. Then my sister drug me from my homework to go play basketball with my cousins. Instead of playing basketball I learned how to ride a ripstik! It took awhile, but now I kind of have the hang of it! I counted all the basketball and balancing as my workout for the day haha.


Now let’s get to some confessions. They really aren’t confessions, but just points of notice since I last blogged:

  • Since the time change it’s been light enough outside when I get up for me to go for a run. I love running in the morning and am so glad it’s made an appearance back in my life. Except this week…running outside is just not happening here.
  • Along with that it’s cold enough in the morning that I’ve had to break out my running tights. Disregard my cluttered room haha IMG_1818
  • As a secondary education major that means I have to do practicum hours in a classroom. This semester I’m in a really nice high school with a teacher who I’ve taken an English class from. Anyways, I’m in her class two days a week in the morning and usually when second period hits my stomach starts to rumble. This rumbling isn’t quiet or something you can disregard. So multiple times I get to go to the teachers lounge to go make some tea. It’s awesome and definitely helps quiet my stomach.
    She always offers me a bagel and peanut butter too! I haven’t taken her up on that one yet and I only have one more week left. Next week I might have to do that…
  • I got initiated into Order of Omega which is like an honor society for Greeks and is a pretty big deal. Along with that my time on the exec board of my sorority is over 🙁 this semester has flown by!!IMG_1813

I’ve lived a pretty exciting life as you can tell. My next confessions post will be a bit more heavier with some real confessions! Anyways, my mom, sister, and I are off to Amarillo to do a little Christmas shopping!!

What’s your favorite meal to eat for breakfast when you’re home? Any confessions you have?


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