Part 2: Our Honeymoon in St. Lucia at Sandals Regency La Toc
If you’re reading Part 2 of our Honeymoon trip, and have yet to read part one click here for the link! Also be sure to watch our video recap of our trip on Youtube too! Click here to go watch!
Day 5- Cloudy Pool Day
After spending Day 4 on the Joe Knows Tour, the following day was a relaxed day by the resort pool. We started off with breakfast in the Pavilion and then we found some chairs by the pool for most the day. **Pro tip. If a prime chair location at the pool is important to you people claim them first thing in the morning! We always waited until after breakfast and usually found a spot, but prime spots go fast.
Majority of this day I was reading in the chair and had a few drinks. For lunch Brandon and I went up to the higher part of the resort to Armandos, which is an Italian spot. This wasn’t my favorite place. I had a chicken & potato entrée and it was tasty, but the restaurant had a higher class feel and that always makes me feel a little uncomfortable for whatever reason.
We spent a few more hours pool side and then headed up to get ready for the evening. This evening we decided to go to Soy, the sushi bar. The sushi at Soy was great. It really wasn’t anything exceptional, but solid sushi. The sushi chefs also gave us a few other plates of sashimi, which was a nice treat each time. This evening Brandon and I went down to hang out at a fire pit and ended up making more resort friends who we hung out with for the rest of the evening.
My red swimsuit and Brandon’s swim trunks were from Amazon: Click for my red bikini set and click for Brandon’s swim trunks. Also, got our outfits below from Amazon too. Click here for my green crop. Click for my black skort. Click for Brandon’s shorts.
Day 6-Pool morning & afternoon at The Grande
This was a late start Saturday morning for us. I ended up checking out the resort gym this morning. I was getting to the point where I just felt like moving my body. The gym was a short walk up the road from our townhouse. Inside there were dumbbells, a few treadmills and an elliptical, and one cable machine. Sort of like your typical hotel gym.
By the time we got to breakfast, I could already tell the resort was packed. Lots of people were either starting their trip or were on their way back home. After breakfast I ended up going to the pool below our rooms. It’s a small kind of hidden pool, but is really nice and relaxing. So that’s where I stayed for the morning still reading my books and taking some dips in the pool.
Another Amazon bikini below! Here’s the link to it.
Later that afternoon Brandon and I took the resort shuttle to the Sandals Grande. We walked around and were blown away. It’s gorgeous there and is a different beach experience. We ended up running into some La Toc resort friends and hung out at the pool bars with those couples until early evening. Once back at our resort, Brandon and I got ready and headed right down to the restaurant beneath our rooms for dinner at The Pitons. This place ended up being one of my favorite dinner spots. We had crab cakes for an appetizer. Incredible!
Day 7- Morning at the pool & afternoon at Grande
Our final full day at the resort was a Sunday. Brandon and I hoped to do an excursion this day, but turns out there are no tours on Sunday. So we decided we’d spend our day at The Grande. The shuttle for the Grande didn’t leave until noon. So we ate breakfast at the Pavilion and hung by the pool below our room for the morning. At noon we caught the shuttle to the Grande (30-35 minute ride through Castries). We first ate lunch at the Jerk Shack. I had chicken and a bread slice. Very simple, but tasty!
And Amazon bikini for the win again. Wearing the top, but didn’t wear the high waisted bottoms here. You can find it here.
Then Brandon and I rented jet skis and cruised around for about 45 minutes. It was fun, but a little creepy to be out on open ocean on a jet ski. Once we finished up with that we found a pair of covered chairs near the beach and spent a few hours hanging out and reading by the beach. A cool feature of the Grande is that along the water near the beach they have these floating rings and some swing sets you can go hang out on. Both of our times at the Grande, Brandon and I spent some time on the swings and the rings in the ocean. We wanted to get back to our resort in time to shower and get ready for our dinner reservations at La Toc at 9 p.m. We picked up a quick pepperoni pizza at Dinos for a pre-dinner snack since our reservation was late.
Our last resort dinner at La Toc was really great! We started with a bread basket. Then ordered appetizers. I got a little wild and tried Escargo. My mom had told me she liked it back when she tried it, so I thought when else would I get the chance to try this? And honestly it wasn’t too bad. Brandon really liked them more than me. For dinner I ordered a Filet Mignon and that came with some potatoes on the side. You can never go wrong with a Filet in my opinion For our dessert I ordered a crème banana dish and it was delicious. After dinner we headed back up to our room and soaked up our balcony views before turning in.
Day 8- flying home
Monday morning we woke up and finished packing. We headed down to the Pavilion for our last breakfast and then loaded up in shuttles to the airport by 9:30 that morning. Once at the airport we showed our passport to several people and answered a few questions. Then we had like two hours to kill, so I kept reading. Eventually we boarded our flight to New York and landed at JFK around 6 p.m. We got through customs easily. Then we had to check back in through security. Brandon and I found a sports bar for dinner and then headed to our next gate. For some reason we had to fly to Boston, so that left around 11 and we got there after midnight.
While planning our trip we didn’t pay too much attention to our flight details, and our flights back honestly sucked. We got to Boston airport and in my head I thought sleeping overnight in the airport was a common thing. We couldn’t sleep by our gate, but had to go hang out in baggage claim (all local hotels were already booked). Needless to say we didn’t sleep much that evening.
Day 9-arriving home
Around 5:30 a.m. we made our way back through security and I grabbed a coffee and bagel from Starbucks. Then we made it to our gate. Our flight left Boston around 7 a.m. and we landed in Denver around 9 a.m. our time. Eventually we got to our truck and made the drive back home.
Overall, we absolutely loved our honeymoon trip to St. Lucia! I’ll be posting another blog list with my packing list and our tips and any pros and cons we had from our honeymoon trip. So stay tuned and thanks for reading!
*Affiliates: Please note that there are affiliate links that are in this blog post. I greatly appreciate your support!