Paleo// Week 2 & Weekend

SkylarFebruary 11, 2015

Today I’m linking up for What I Ate Wednesday to share about another week of eating paleo and my weekend!
I did make it through a second week of eating paleo. My menu was pretty similar to last week, except I tried turkey burgers this week and they weren’t as yummy as I had hoped. Here’s a pretty close look at what my everyday looked like. 
Breakfast: 2 Scrambled eggs, sausage, blueberries, coffee with almond milk creamer.
Lunch: Roasted chicken or turkey burger, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, bell peppers, pink lady apple.
Snack: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Larabar with almond butter. *Chocolate chips aren’t exactly “paleo.”
Dinner: Chicken apple sausage with green beans. Banana with almond butter. Progenex shake (CrossFit days).
How was week 2:
Week 2 wasn’t too bad. I easily made it through. However, I don’t think I was eating enough food. I was a lot hungrier than usual, especially after dinner I typically went to bed hungry and woke up starving. The thing that I’ve found is hard is simply having enough food to cook and prepare. I thought I had enough food prepared, but towards the end of the week I definitely didn’t. I also think I need more carbs in the day. 
Now here is the fun part. Friday night after a long week at school, some of my best girlfriends from college came in for the weekend so our group was finally reunited. When you have once in awhile weekends with your girlfriends, you don’t stick to eating clean. It’s not practical. We fully enjoyed eating some good food.
Saturday morning we went to a local breakfast favorite called The Shed. I got a breakfast burrito with egg, bacon, potatoes, and smothered in green chile. It was amazing like always!
The Shed Burrito 2-11
Later that afternoon we had to go for a walk to get some snacks. This is what we ended up grabbing: Reese’s and hot cheetos. These are two of my snack guilty pleasures. Yes, we know they kind of defeated the purpose of the walk.
Reeses Cheetos 2-11
For dinner Saturday night we went to another local Mexican restaurant. I had a bean and cheese burrito with a side of red sauce and green chile sauce. The red sauce was perfect. I also had a wine margarita that was delicious!
Andeles Burrito 2-11
Sunday morning we went to a small favorite coffee shop for breakfast. I got the Superbowl which was scrambled eggs, potatoes, bacon, and chile! 
Superbowl 2-11
Monday afternoon after school I met one of the girls for coffee and I was pretty hungry. I decided to try an almond croissant and had an iced coffee. I’ve never enjoyed a croissant so much! Inside of it was a buttery, creamy almond-ish filling that was so sweet and savory. 
Milagros 2-11
What I’d like to work on for week 3:
I’m already half-way through week 3 and I have to be honest that I’m not doing super well at eating Paleo. My breakfast and lunch has stayed the same, but I’ve had some chocolate during the afternoon as a little sweet snack. This week is super busy at school and I know some of my meals definitely won’t be paleo, but I’m not going to worry about it. I also will be adding a few more carbs because I’m know I simply wasn’t eating enough last week. I’m not about that being “hungry” life.
What have you been eating lately? Anything healthy you’re loving or even a guilty pleasure?!

Comments (2)

  • Cailee

    February 12, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    Looks like some tasty eats! I think that it’s okay to allow ‘cheats’ in moderation! So well done! Lately I’ve been loving egg white omelets with salsa and Quest bars! …and of course a little bit of chocolate daily!!

  • jenna @ dearest love

    February 14, 2015 at 11:03 pm

    I definitely can’t resist Reese’s and Cheetos…oh and that burrito looks amazing!
    I really like your list of healthy snacks and meals, too. I really need to eat more healthy snacks. With teaching, I usually skip breakfast (I know, terrible), eat a light lunch and then a big dinner. If I could prepare healthy snacks to eat throughout the day, I’d be golden!

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