Oh hey, Friday//Graduation Recap

SkylarDecember 19, 2014

Hi everyone! I’ve been a little MIA this week after a busy graduation weekend that carried over a few days into this week! I’m finally home for Christmas and wanted to do a recap of graduation. So I’m linking up with September Farm and The Farmer’s Wife for Oh hey, Friday!

1// Deciding how to decorate my graduation cap was probably the most stressful part of the weekend. I came up with it last minute around 11 at night the day before graduation. Thankfully my mom had gold paint pens and great handwriting. 

People asked me what “goal digger” means and I explained it as that I make goals and dig them up. Real original right? So if I was to put “goal digger” in the Gold Digger song. I would sing it like….Now I ain’t sayin she a goal digger, but she ain’t messin with no unmotivated ****. That’s all I got. My rap game isn’t super strong today. 


2//My outfit I wore under my graduation outfit was inspired from Pinterest. I don’t have a good picture of my whole outfit, but I’ll show you the outfit that mine was modeled after.


3//My decorations at my post-graduation party at my house were honestly super cute thanks to my Mom. She stayed up late at home designing what she wanted my little table to look like. And the cake? It’s chocolate. The best kind of cake in the world. They may have spelled my name with an “er” even though it’s an “ar,” but I didn’t care one bit.

My Mom made the tassels hanging above the table. She also painted the gold on the glass jars. The black canvas was painted by her too! I’ve been obsessed with gold this past fall hence all the gold accents. 

 Graduation Decor 1

Grad Decor 4

Grad Decor 5


4//I was incredibly blessed to have some of my family come down for my graduation! They spoiled me and I enjoyed having them here so they could see where I’ve been living these past 41/2 years. They’ve always been supportive of my college career for the very beginning and always show me love whenever I come back home. I couldn’t have made it this far without them. 

Graduation Family

Graduation Mom Dad Kenz

5// Last, but definitely not least I wanted to mentioned my wonderful boyfriend. He’s always encouraging to me and always believes in me. He’s simply the best. That’s all I’m going to say for now. Oh, and I think he’s pretty handsome.



So that’s all for my graduation recap! I hope everyone has a fabulous Friday and I’ll get back to blogging a little more regularly next week! I’m going to enjoy being at home with my family this weekend!

Tell me about your week! What are your weekend plans?


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