Oh hey, Friday // 4

SkylarOctober 17, 2014

Woo this week is coming to a close!! I’m linking up today for Oh hey, Friday!

Here’s what is making this Friday a good day:

1// I’ll start my day with an iced coffee from the student ran cafe at school. Fridays are my day that I go buy one instead of bringing one from home. They know my name by now and not to give me whipped cream.


2//  Friday means I’manother week closer to graduation. I bought my cap and gown on Wednesday at the grad fair. They had me on the list to graduate so I guess it’s really happening!! 7 more weeks to go! And I won a spirit pack from one of the booths there. I got a t-shirt and some little random trinkets.

3// This week has been homecoming week at school so it has been extremely busy and crazy! Tonight is the football game and I honestly am so pumped to go! Each day has had a different theme for dressing up. Yesterday, was safari so I was a black cat…well black panther technically.


4// That being said, my parents are coming to visit this weekend for my sister’s birthday. I’m really excited to see them and spend time with them!

5//  Last but not least this reminder. I’m naturally a timid person, so it’s a nice reminder. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.   - 2 Timothy 1:7 | Joseph made this with Spoken.lyNow off to school for the day! Have a great weekend everyone!

What is something good about your Friday? Any weekend plans?


Comments (2)

  • Kels @ Blonder Side of LIfe

    October 23, 2014 at 2:07 pm

    You look adorable as a cat 😀 I’m so glad you stopped by so I could find your blog as well! I’m excited to follow along and get to know you more. (ps. do you have a bloglovin account by chance?)

    1. Skylar

      October 27, 2014 at 4:51 am

      I am on Bloglovin and you just reminded me to add the button to the sidebar of my blog! Thanks for asking!

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