Oh hey, Friday //3

SkylarSeptember 26, 2014

Oh hey, Friday it’s nice to see you back around!

1// I’m about halfway done with student teaching. We were figuring out dates for evaluations for the rest of the semester and it’s going to fly by. This week was a great week of teaching and I received an awesome evaluation on Wednesday so that’s always a confidence booster. Next week will be week 9 of 17! Not that I’m counting or anything.

2//Oh CrossFit how I’ve enjoyed you this week. Yesterday we did a fun and challenging complex WOD: 10 AMRAP 1 Deadlift to Hang Power Clean to Front Squat to Push Press. 5 Burpee penalty if you dropped the bar. I had to do around 4 or 5 sets of burpees, but the burpees weren’t the challenging part.

CrossFit 9-25

CrossFit bar 9-25

3// The beauty of delays and unexpected circumstances is that God works beautifully in them and through them. That’s a line from the Ruth bible study I’m doing and something I’ll likely be writing about soon. Waiting is tough to say the least.

4// Though I am waiting this is how I live my life. Errday.

5// This weekend I’m going to meet up with my mom and my best friend from high school and her mom (our mom’s are still besties). I’m really not sure what the plans are, but I’m excited to get out of town and see some familiar faces!

How was your week? Any exciting weekend plans?

Comments (2)

  • Pinky

    September 26, 2014 at 1:18 pm

    That quote is fabulous!!!!!! LOVE IT!

  • Shelly

    September 26, 2014 at 6:19 pm

    Just stumbled across your blog and glad I did. I love meeting fellow CrossFit newbies. When did you start?

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