Oh hey, Friday //2

SkylarSeptember 19, 2014

Some things are just harder to write than others. I had a different post that I wanted to post today, but it needs a little more time and work. Instead I’m linking up for with Oh hey, Friday!!

1// Fog seriously fascinates me. I cannot get enough of it. Every day it’s different.  This morning I got to get out to take some pictures. Organ Mountains 9-19

2//  This is one of the big take aways I’ve gotten from the Ruth bible study I’ve started. More to come on this topic later.


3// This week has been an “easy” week. I haven’t had much work or preparing to do for student teaching so I’ve had a lot of down time to knock out some episodes of Man Men. I’m close to finishing another season. Mr. Draper has actually been impressing me instead of depressing me. He’s cut way back on his drinking and has started writing in the evenings! Whoa. photo(161)

4// My body has been frustrating me a bit. Yesterday, my back would keep going numb on and off through the day whenever I was sitting. Weird. CrossFit is going to have to hold it’s horses. I think I’m going to try hot yoga tonight because my foot still isn’t feeling normal either.

5// This is going to be me tonight and honestly I’m pretty pumped about it.

A Wild Friday Night #Funny #Risas

That’s all for today! I hope everyone has a restful and rejuvenating weekend!

What are your weekend plans? Maybe a wild Friday night?

Comments (3)

  • Kristen @ Ladybug Blessings

    September 19, 2014 at 7:35 pm

    Love that watercolor! Sounds like my plans for Friday nights 🙂

  • Kelly

    September 19, 2014 at 9:49 pm

    That will be me too! Once the baby goes to bed anyway. .. the hubby is working late

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    September 20, 2014 at 3:35 pm

    I hope your back and foot feel better. I totally agree-so frustrating! My weekend plans include finally moving back to school-we start SO late!

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