Oh hey, Friday!

SkylarSeptember 12, 2014

I’m trying a new link-up today called Oh hey, Friday! First of all, I wanted to say thanks for the positive feedback from my To Be Used For Beauty post on Monday. Now let’s get to it.

  1. Student teaching has been going great this week. I can’t believe this is already the end of week 6! This semester is already flying by!
  2. We’ve been having on and off rainy/cloudy/foggy weather here. I love when its rainy and foggy outside. There’s something majestic and mysterious about foggy weather. DSC_1013
  3. The first lesson I learned after going to yoga class this week after school is to get there at least 10 minutes early. If  not there may not be space for you. It suprises me how quickly our yoga class fills up. Other than that its been really nice doing yoga on non-CrossFit days. Yoga. 9-11-14
  4. I thought this was on interesting quote that I had never seen before. However, it has a good point and does ring true for me. Some girls I know have it as their life goal to become a “trophy wife.” Then they can spend their days spending their husbands money and doing whatever they want which consists of not working. I’m sorry but that does not sound appealing to me, not one bit. There’s a reason I’m going to school to get a degree and it’s not a Mrs. degree.  I choose happiness, love and all those other great qualities over someone with money to blow, but if my future husband is well off then that’s a great bonus. Be ya own boss!
  5. Okay no more ranting today. As far as my weekend plans I take my final test on Saturday that will allow me to apply to get my teaching license . My test is on Saturday afternoon. Talk about a day ruiner…but oh well I’ll get it over with and hopefully pass!

Have a great Friday and awesome weekend everyone!

Tell me your Friday faves!



Comments (3)

  • Olya

    September 12, 2014 at 1:44 pm

    It was foggy here today too! Usually I’m not a huge fan of fog because it’s hard for me to drive, but it looks so beautiful in the mountains! I’m with you on the degree thing. I knew a lot of girls like that in college- we even had a thing called “ring by spring.” My husband is going to be a doctor, but I am currently working to put him through school so that’s our trade-off. 🙂

  • Mamacita

    September 12, 2014 at 3:10 pm

    Good luck on your test, Miss Sky! Just use your knowledge and keep a positive attitude which I know you already have. Enjoy reading your post so I know what is going on with my oldest granddaughter! Yes, that’s a label you will always have, but it is a good one.
    Love you!

  • Morgan

    September 12, 2014 at 3:50 pm

    Love that quote!
    I’m visiting from the linkup. Have a wonderful weekend!

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