Para Bellum Athlete Nutrition Video Resources

Hi friends! 

Thanks a ton for watching the Para Bellum Athlete Nutrition video! If you’re interested in learning more about some of the topics I talked about, you came to the right place!

If you have any questions feel free ask! You can catch me at the gym or shoot me an email directly: I’d be more than happy to help! Otherwise, you can follow me on Instagram for helpful nutrition tips: @skylarstarbuck_

Getting Started with Portions & Choosing Foods

For more information about using hand portions and foods with protein, carbs, and fat, here are two articles with great visual examples from Precision Nutrition: 

Ready to have this information in mind next time you go to the grocery store or spend some time meal prepping for the week? I love the grocery shopping graphic and tips in this article from Weighing Against Gravity. 

Recipe Inspiration

Need recipe inspo? I’ve compiled my go-to recipes I personally love and have sent to my nutrition clients. Check them out!


Full Meal Ideas:

Carbs: Rice, Potatoes, Vegetables

Not sure what changes to make with your nutrition or how to get started? Looking for extra accountability? That’s where I come in to help! I love helping CrossFit athletes establish foundational nutrition habits to help them perform well and feel good outside of the gym. Head over to my contact form to get in touch!