Nutrition Coaching

 I help CrossFit athletes and active women establish foundational nutrition habits to help them perform well and feel good outside of the gym.

Nutrition coaching might be for you if:

  • You’re confused with what foods to eat and how much you should be eating. 
  • You want to perform better in the gym, but aren’t paying attention to what you’re eating. 
  • You want to lose weight, gain weight, or build muscle.
  • You’ve tried multiple diets and challenges, but never stick with anything. 
  • You want a plan that works for you and is understanding of your lifestyle. 
  • You’ve been dialed in with your nutrition, but aren’t seeing the results or performing like you believe you should.

To get started get in touch to schedule a consultation. I’ll send you an assessment questionnaire and from there we’ll schedule a consultation call.

Package 1: Getting Started- 3 Month Program

  • Initial Assessment Questionnaire
  • Recording 5 days of food logs
  • Intro consultation call 
  • Weekly e-mail check-ins
  • Monthly Facetime Call
  • Resources

Package 2: On-Going Coaching- Monthly 

  • If you have already been doing coaching for 3 months 
  • Weekly e-mail check-ins
  • Monthly calls Facetime Call

Package 3: One-Time Nutrition Consultation

  • If you have already been doing nutrition work an want to check-in with your goals and focus, but no longer need weekly accountability and support.
  • Once monthly Facetime Call

Email to set-up your initial consult call!
