November Favorites
November has flown by! The past two weeks of grad school took over my life so I haven’t been blogging or posting on social media much. So today’s blog post is looking back on some of my favorites from this month.

Holiday// Thanksgiving of course!! Surprising I only took 2-3 photos on Thanksgiving. The rest were snapchats that I don’t have to share. We went over to my grandparents house around noon and about an hour later the feast began. The rest of the afternoon was spent napping and watching football until it was time for dinner of leftovers. This is typically how my Thanksgiving goes and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I got to spend time with family and ate way too much good food!
Top// I’ve been loving this long plaid shirt I got from a local boutique. I love wearing it with black leggings and boots! This was actually my Thanksgiving outfit. A big shirt and stretchy tights was the perfect combo for the day of eating and hanging out. (Sorry for the blurriness of this photo.)
Tights//I got these purple-ish “active” leggings from Old Navy the day before Thanksgiving for 50% off. I think they’re going to become a quick favorite. However, I won’t be using them for actually working out. They’re are a little more see-through than I thought for squatting or anything like that. They’ll be perfect for lounging around and running errands though.
CrossFit// We’ve been working on power snatches a lot this past month at CrossFit and I’ve improved a lot. Prior to this month I always did hang snatches instead of power. (Hang snatches start at your hip pocket position and power snatches start from the ground.) I’ve finally gotten the movement down and am comfortable with it. More importantly I’ve gotten stronger and more flexible in my back/shoulders where I can properly perform that movement.
Also, we found our 1 rep max squat clean + jerk this morning. The past month we’ve also been hitting the squat cleans heavily and I was consistently using 85lbs. Today I got a PR of 105lbs. I was pretty happy with it!
Happening// My mom came to visit me at school a couple weekends ago. One of the highlights of the weekend was going to watch Tech play K-State. Luckily Tech won so it was a good weekend to be in Raiderland!
Food// Now if I had actually taken pictures on Thanksgiving my answer may have been different. But this New Mexico girl has been having intense cravings for Mexican food. When my mom came to visit we went to Chuy’s. I had chicken soft tacos that were amazing! My Mexican food cravings were temporarily curbed. After writing this post I think they’re on the rise again.
School// School hasn’t been my favorite thing this month. It’s taken more of my time and brain power than I like. I did get a final presentation done the Monday of Thanksgiving. Now I only have two more classes to wrap up this week and then my first semester of grad school will be complete! I’m sooo close to being done!
That’s all I have for my November favorites! Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
What are some of your favorites from November?
How was your Thanksgiving?
Comments (7)
November 30, 2015 at 1:06 pm
you and your mom could definitely pass for sisters. Such a cute pic of you both.
December 2, 2015 at 3:41 pm
We get that all the time and when my younger sister is around too!
November 30, 2015 at 5:35 pm
You and your mum are so cute! Also, Mexican? YUM. I think I need to get some of my own soon! Haha. I have a mad craving for fried chicken!
December 2, 2015 at 3:41 pm
Thanks girl! Fried chicken seems like a random food to crave. Haha. Now I have fried chicken on my mind!
Kels @Blonder Side
December 1, 2015 at 4:34 am
Um yup! Leggings and big tops are the perfect outfit for Thanksgiving lol. And I have a similar pair of purple leggings from Target and thought I’d work out in them but yea a bit too see-through to be squatting in front of other people lol. Glad your Mom got to visit!
December 2, 2015 at 3:42 pm
Ugh see-through leggings seriously frustrate me! Why do they make them see-through?! I could go on a rant about this haha
Emilie Burke (@burkedoes)
December 3, 2015 at 2:42 pm
Nice PR! I love the feeling of being able to hit a new record. Just PR’d my bench this morning. I’m always a little scared to push myself because my gym is in my apartment and I work out alone, but I’m trying.