My Sister Graduated from High School! Weekend Recap

SkylarMay 21, 2013

As I mentioned in former posts my sister graduated from high school this weekend! I really can’t believe that it’s been 3 years since I graduated. I feel old. Anyways, I’m super proud of my sister and so this little post is for her.

On Friday night we had my mom’s family come in who live in Colorado and the Austin, TX area. Both sets of Aunts & Uncles have new babies. One is almost 2 and the other is close to being 1 (I don’t know how many months they are haha). They are adorable and the whole family is pretty much obsessed with them. It’s kinda weird. So when they arrived the weekend began!

Saturday was graduation party madness. The whole day was spent scrambling around to get ready for my sister’s party that evening. But it all came together and here are some scenes from that.



We served some amazing brisket with beans and all that good stuff for dinner. There was a lot of people there and we have tons left over. You will probably be hearing how I had brisket for lunch throughout the summer.






Family fun in the photo booth.



I didn’t even take a picture of the best part of the party. Cake and ice cream! My mom bought this HUGE cake. It was a chocolate and vanilla swirl cake. Fortunately it was mostly vanilla because if it would have been chocolate I would have eaten the whole thing. I’ve eaten a lot of cake this weekend. I can’t even begin to tell you how much haha The ice cream that my aunt and her mom makes is to die for! One made vanilla and one made chocolate. They were both the textures of a Wendy’s frosty and I swear it’s better than most soft serve ice cream. I love dessert Smile

Now for a few pictures of my adorable cousins. Meet DL.


Now meet Kendall.


Sunday was their actual graduation so here is an actual picture from that. My sister is gorgeous right?


Well that’s a little update on what I’ve been up to lately. Monday morning all of our family went home and I helped my mom pack up her classroom. This post doesn’t give this past weekend near the amount of words it deserves, but when a weekend is full of family, friends, and celebrating you know it’s a good one.

Now back to reality. Today, I’ve just been working on things for my internship and helping my mom, dad, and sister get all ready to leave for the senior trip to Florida tonight! Lucky dogs.

Have you attended any graduations this past weekend? I’ll be back on Wednesday!

Oh! Check out these articles from my internship with College Lifestyles. I’m an editor this summer and would love if you checked out the site!

Introducing the Sophisticated Sorority Life Team for Summer 2013

Meet Skylar Starbuck, Sorority Life Editor from New Mexico State University

Comments (3)

  • pickyrunner

    May 21, 2013 at 6:08 pm

    Aw your family is so cute! Congrats to your sister for graduating- it really does feel like forever since I was in high school and it was only 3 years for me too. Your dress is absolute adorable in that last picture! Where is it from? Also, your sister has a senior trip to florida? Seriously? Wow my school was not that cool.

    1. skylar35

      May 21, 2013 at 6:34 pm

      Thanks 🙂 and that dress is actually my mom’s! She ordered it online at some boutique. We go to a really really small school, so throughout junior high and high school her class has been raising money to go on their senior trip!

  • Abby

    May 21, 2013 at 9:07 pm

    SO exciting!! Looks like you have one wonderful family! You have a lot to be proud of 🙂 Glad it was such a fabulous weekend!!

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