My First Semester of Graduate School
It’s hard to believe that I have officially completed my first semester of graduate school at Texas Tech.
In August I was moving into my one bedroom apartment in this new town and anxiously awaiting to get started on grad classes. I remember walking into my first graduate class (theories) and quietly and quickly finding a seat in the back of the room. I remember thinking “most of these people went to school here…there is no way we’ll ever become friends”.
To be honest the first two months were hard not academically, but socially. I had no friends. I had no social life. I was at school all day for work and then at night for class and at CrossFit for a morning or afternoon class. And the cycle kept repeating day after day. It’s not like I didn’t talk to people, but it’s all very basic conversation when you’re getting acquainted with people.
Thankfully, September and October ended up being kind of busy. I had a friend come visit me, my boyfriend came to visit, and we had family happenings a couple weekends. The weekends that I actually spent by myself were few, but always made the reality of not having any friends here sink in deeper.
Fast forward to the end of December and I’m happy to say that I have an established friend base at grad school. I know I can walk into the teaching assistant office and strike up a conversation with anyone. When I get to class I know there will be people to chat with. Eventually some of us started hanging out on weekends and on a couple week nights. We’ve been to a pumpkin patch, Carol of the Lights, and bowling to name a few activities. By the end of the semester a big group of people from my classes have started hanging out more during the week and on weekends and it’s been super fun.
I guess if making friends were easy then they wouldn’t be genuine relationships and I wouldn’t appreciate them as much as I do today. Now we all get to start off next semester with a bang instead. The funny thing is that most of us felt the way that I did. Assuming that every one else already had friends. All it took was some conversation and hanging out to show that wasn’t the case.
The academic side of grad school was different than I expected. I’m in the media communication program, so I took theory, research methods, and digital media production. The first two were exactly what they sound like: media theories and how to conduct research. For digital media I learned HTML code and CSS and the final project was creating my own website. I totally geeked out over this class and loved the website I created. Most of my time overall was spent behind my computer or reading academic journal articles. I like to blame that as the reason I didn’t blog much this semester. When I finally got done with school work, I didn’t want to stare at my computer any longer and my brain no longer wanted to be thinking.
I was really fortunate to get a job in the college as a teaching assistant for the fall semester. I attended 3 different undergrad classes during the week to take attendance and monitored a computer lab a couple nights a week. For two of the classes I graded some assignments and quizzes too. I was blessed by the professors I got to work for and couldn’t have asked for a better assignment. Hopefully I’ll get to work for them next semester too!

One thing that I think helped me have a successful first semester was always having a grateful attitude. TTU has always been a prestigious school in my mind that I never imagined I would attend. The program I’m in is a fast track and I’ll be done either this summer or next December. So I’m very aware that my time at Tech is relatively short and I want to really cherish it. Even when days were mundane or stressful, being thankful for where I was always helped.
Now I really hope you don’t think I was throwing a pity party about the friend thing. I was just being honest about something that I think a lot of people post-college struggle with. I’m excited for the upcoming spring semester and for the time I’ll be spending with friends. For now I’m going to enjoy my Christmas break and hopefully you’ll see more from me on this little blog. And if you want some insight into my daily life as a grad student click here.
Any questions?
Did you have any life changes or new things happen this fall?
Comments (7)
Kelly Daniel
December 14, 2015 at 7:29 pm
That’s so great that you’re having such a great experience during your first semester! My husband actually graduated (undergrad) from Texas Tech and loved his time there. We look forward to visiting the campus for a football game at some point in the future 🙂
Finding friends as an adult can be quite difficult. Moving across the country to CA, being the first time away from family and our friends, was hard because I was transplanted to a new state, city and we didn’t know a soul. Friendships will come within time and just continue to involve yourself, especially with campus activities and sports. Good luck!! 🙂
December 15, 2015 at 9:18 am
Oh how neat!! Yes you should definitely make it to a football game. They’re so much fun! It’s always nice to know that other people struggle with making friends in a new place. You are so right about it taking time and getting involved!
Aurora@Fitness is Sweet
December 15, 2015 at 3:03 pm
Making friends post-undergrad is definitely something I worry about—especially in my year between undergrad and grad school. I’m glad to hear that it worked out for you!
Emilie Burke (@burkedoes)
December 16, 2015 at 1:26 pm
I’m so glad you’ve gotten settled and things are starting to look up for you! So happy for you Skye!
chelsea jacobs
December 18, 2015 at 9:15 am
Congratulations on finishing the first semester! So exciting!
December 23, 2015 at 8:45 am
Congrats on wrapping up your first semester! i never went on to graduate school but i remember the feeling i got each time i finished a semester of undergrad and boy oh boy was it sweet!! 🙂
Looking Back on 2015 – Blonde Freedom
December 31, 2015 at 10:01 am
[…] Day in the Life of a Grad Student | My First Semester of Graduate School […]