My First CrossFit Competition

SkylarJune 22, 2015

On Saturday I competed in my first CrossFit competition! The box at home organized and made this competition happen. The coaches had been telling me that I should sign up so I did. I was nervous, yet excited to compete and see how I did. I signed up for the scaled division. I have a long ways before I’m ready for RX division and I’m completely okay with that. 

Crossfit Competition 3

So Saturday morning I got up and got ready. We had to be at the event center at 8 in the morning. For breakfast I had scrambled eggs with a side of oatmeal with peanut butter. It was a pretty good combination that kept me full through the first event. Once I got to the event center we had a briefing then we hung around until it was time to start warming up for the first event. 

Event #1 Scaled

10:00 AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible):

2 Push Press (65/45)

4 Step ups / Box Jumps (24”/20”)

4 Push Press

4 Step ups / BJ

6 Push Press

**Continuing on adding 2 push press after each round

I got through the round with 20 push press reps and started on 22, but only reached 10 or 11 reps. This one was tough. It’s deceiving because the first few minutes you fly through your reps. Then you reach 16 and up and it gets a little rough. My shoulder and forearms were on fire. I was pushing it, but I think I could have pushed it a little more to get a few more reps in.

Event #2 Scaled:

4 Rounds For Time:

250m Row

10 Hand Release Push ups

15 Ab mat situps  

*15:00 cap

This was my favorite workout of the event. I have a love/hate relationship with rowing, but when it comes down to it I can do it. The thing about competition is that you really can’t stop. You have to keep pushing through the reps and get on to the next thing. I believe my time for this event was 9:32. When I review it in my head I can see a few things that cost me a few seconds on my time. My sore abs can thank this workout for that.

CrossFit Competition 1

Event #3 Scaled:

5:00 to find MAX weight Clean(can be any type)

*Max rep unbroken set DL at last completed weight for tiebreaker

Starting out I think my clean PR was 90 or 95 pounds. I started with 85 pounds for my first lift and added 10lbs for 105 pounds. It took me two attempts to get that weight. For the next weight I added 2.5 lbs on each side. After a handful of attempts I just couldn’t get under it. I was very frustrated that I couldn’t get the next weight, but also very happy that I had a new clean PR.  The good thing about this event was that it showed me one thing I need to work on. That would be getting under the weight. All I had to do was squat down a little bit and I would have had it. Now I know one thing to work on.

Crossfit Competition 2

Only the top 5 athletes from each division moved onto the fourth and final workout. Sadly I didn’t make top 5. I was 6th so I was right on the line. I stayed and watched the final workout and the awards handed out to the winners.  

A few ending thoughts on my first competition:

1. I’m glad I did compete. It was a blast and showed me a lot about myself and my strengths and weaknesses. I’ll definitely compete again.

2. The Crossfit community and specifically my home box is incredibly supportive and encouraging. Everyone would cheer on everyone else through each event. You can see in the clean picture above that there are a handful of people around me and I am very thankful for their advice and encouragement.

3. It was awesome to watch the other athletes and divisions compete. It was exciting to watch other competitors be successful. Watching the RX divisions was especially humbling. Those groups had some brutal workouts to get through. 

4. It’s ridiculously fun to compete with people you get to workout with. That makes the competition part a little easier knowing those people are going through it with you. There was lots of laughter and jokes going on throughout the day that made light of the competition.

5. It brought back my competitive side. I’m not super, super competitive, but I definitely did not want to lose when I was out there. When I didn’t make top 5 I was a little frustrated, but it was a good frustrated. Mom's Birthday

It was also was my mom’s birthday on Saturday. She spent her birthday watching me be sweaty and do workouts. I’m thankful that her and my dad were there to support me.  After a day of competition we went out for birthday dinner and then went to watch some motocross racing. It was a great day! (If you want to know the RX workouts or have anymore questions feel free to e-mail me!)

Have you ever competed in a CrossFit competition?

What do you like to compete in?




Comments (6)

  • karla @ finding my fit

    June 23, 2015 at 8:53 am

    yay how exciting! congrats on the first competition. i have done a handful of team ones and recently did an individual. now that my pullups have come a long way i want to get into competing more. 🙂

    1. Skylar

      June 27, 2015 at 8:11 am

      Team competitions sound like a blast! I’ll have to try to compete in one of those someday.

  • Bruce Berman

    June 23, 2015 at 12:41 pm

    Way to go! #6 is Numero Uno to me!

  • Chris

    June 24, 2015 at 9:37 pm

    Nice job with your competition! Awesome with the new clean PR! How’d the max DLs go after that? I haven’t competed but when I do I’ll for sure be going scaled.

    1. Skylar

      June 27, 2015 at 8:11 am

      Unfortunately I forgot about the DL’s and made one more attempt before time ran out. I definitely should have just done some deadlifts. You should compete whenever you get a chance!

  • Angela @ Witty Aspirations

    August 5, 2015 at 9:57 am

    Congrats on your first competition! I know what you mean about rowing except it’s definitely a hate relationship. It’s easy to get frustrated about not getting that last attempt at a PR – but after doing two other workouts you definitely pushed yourself. Awesome job!

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