Murph & June Goals

SkylarJune 2, 2014

It’s the best month of the entire year! June! Today I’ll go over some goals for June, but first let me talk about Crossfit.

On Friday I went to our box for a fundraiser/cookout/workout for the Murph WOD. Being that I’m new to Crossfit I did the half Murph. Supposedly the half Murph is only a 800 meter run instead of a 1 mile run, but I ended up doing the mile run. So I did 1 mile run, 50 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 150 squats, and finished with a 1 mile run.


I broke my sets up and did 5 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, and 15 squats. I did the pull-ups with a band, so there was a band from the bar that I put my foot in that gave me an extra boost! The push-ups were the hardest part. I’m not yet used to these Crossfit push-ups, so getting through 20 at a time was a bit of a struggle. Squats were the easiest part and I was always sad when they were done. The 1 mile run after was a little rough. Though squats were easy I didn’t realize that my legs were pretty tired and that my sore arms would feel so heavy. Once I got to the half- mile mark my body seemed to loosen up and so the run back wasn’t too bad. I believe my time for the 1/2 was around 30 minutes! Once I crossed the finish line I was so relieved and couldn’t believe how fast the workout went by. Next year hopefully I’ll be in the place where I can do the full Murph.

I’m not going to lie. My body was incredibly sore the day after. I went to the box on Saturday and we worked on a few skills and some mobility, that afternoon when I got home the soreness really hit me. So that night I took an Epsom salt bath. It felt great and was relieving. I forget how nice an occasional bath can be!

Anyways time for some June goals:


-Kipping Pull-Up form

-Consistently get toes to bar

-Improve back squat form

-Run 5 miles (3 is too comfy)

-Don’t let this be me


– Cut back on grains.

-Eat more fruits and vegetable.

-Cook/bake more healthy variations of recipes


-Enjoy spending time with my family

-Get together with my girlfriends here at home

-See some of my sorority sisters


-Consistently read a devotional err’day.


-Don’t overdose on fun when I’m at the X-Games in Austin this weekend!!!

-Break out my camera more often & edit my photos

-Love on our sweet baby kitties


-Don’t let my 22nd birthday depress me.

-Read Anna Karenina & Divergent & a few other books.

-Find a way to watch Downton Abbey season 4 even if that means buying it.

-Stay on top of my online Art Appreciation class so I can graduate in December!

That’s all for today’s post! Have a great afternoon!

Do you have any goals for June?



Comments (5)

  • Aurora

    June 2, 2014 at 5:35 pm

    Awesome job with Murph! I definitely want to make healthy variations of recipes as well this summer!

  • ifailedfran

    June 3, 2014 at 12:30 pm

    Pretty good job for being a CrossFit newbie! Half hour for a half Murph gets my approval! I tackled Murph for the first time and I was sore for days after. Great job making it through and for your sets, 20 push-ups at one time is impressive! I’m looking forward to following you on your journey, and good luck not being the lady in your video missing the rings! =)

    1. Sky @ The Blonde In Black

      June 3, 2014 at 7:56 pm

      I know you had a ton of comments on your posts to skim through so I greatly appreciate that you took the time to read my post! Thanks for the comment!

  • Melinda Pollard

    June 3, 2014 at 6:42 pm

    I am terrible at pull-ups! That gif is hilarious, that would totally be me too haha

    I’m having a healthy giveaway on my blog for $120 value organic detox kit if you’d like to enter!

  • Memorial Weekend & Murph '16 – Blonde Freedom

    June 2, 2016 at 6:40 am

    […] benchmark WOD to see how I’ve improved since the year before. One of my first workouts was Murph in 2014 and I only did a half. Last year was my first time doing a full Murph and it took me 60 minutes. So […]

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