Mountain Get-Away

SkylarAugust 5, 2015

My family took a quick weekend trip to the mountains this weekend. One of our favorite family vacations is taking a few days to go to the mountains. It had rained enough last week that my Dad decided he could get away from the farm for a couple of days, so we took him up on it and traveled to Cloudcroft, New Mexico.

Mountain Get-Away

As long as I can remember my family has been taking trips to the mountains of New Mexico. Many of my favorite childhood memories of summer come from our time in the great outdoors. It’s been a few years that we’ve been able to go on a trip like this, so we were all super happy to get the chance to go even if it was for a short time. 

Cloudcroft Before-1

When we go to the mountains we typically rent a cabin and spend our days riding our dirt bikes, 4 wheelers, and the Ranger up and down the mountain trails. We’ll pack a lunch and take plenty of breaks while riding. I’m kind of spoiled when it comes to going to the mountains. I’m not about the sleeping in tents and fishing type of life. 

Cloudcroft Trip-2 

 The Lincoln National Forest was incredibly green this time of year. The state has been getting a lot more rain than we have the past couple of years, so the mountains were looking great. Every time we turned a corner or there was an opening I always thought to myself,”Wow it’s so beautiful here.” I swear I had some variation of that thought probably more than 500 times that day.

Cloudcroft Bridge-1

I always forget how calming and relaxing being in the mountains is for me. All you really have to worry about is not wrecking while riding on a trail (which sometimes can get a little sketch) and not getting wiped out by the mud, rocks, tree roots, or puddles of water. It made me remember how much I love being in the mountains and how refreshing it is being there.

Cloudcroft Trip-7

Cloudcroft Trip-17

We have to credit our love for going to the mountains and riding to my Dad. He’s been doing it for a long time and we all know he absolutely loves it. In the picture above he’s coming up a trail that him and my sister’s boyfriend went down to scope out. Usually when they went to “scope out” a trail they came back breathing heavy and laughing about how wicked that trail was. Needless to say, we didn’t all take off down one of the trails that they said that about.

Cloudcroft Trip-9


Cloudcroft Trip-12

Anytime we stopped for a short break I always had my camera out taking pictures. If we stopped every time I saw something pretty or a spot I wanted to take a picture of we would have never made it down any of the trails.  

Cloudcroft Trip-18

Our weekend get-away went by too fast, but I’m glad we finally got the chance to spend some time in the mountains. So if you’re ever in New Mexico just know that it isn’t all made up of deserts and plains! I hope you all have a great day. I always think each week I’m finally going to catch up on my blogging and get back to being more consistent, but that hasn’t happened yet. 

Do you have a favorite family get-away destination or activity?

How was your weekend?

Comments (6)

  • karla @ finding my fit

    August 6, 2015 at 12:59 pm

    this is so beautiful! there’s so many gorgeous spots like this in wisconsin, although they’re not mountains. it’s going to be hard to leave-but i hope mississippi will have it’s hidden treasures as well.

    1. Skylar

      August 10, 2015 at 8:22 am

      I bet Mississippi has it’s own beautiful places! It may be different from Wisconsin, but I’m sure you’ll be able to appreciate how it’s different!

  • Lindsey

    August 6, 2015 at 1:22 pm

    Looks like a lot of fun! I am thankful for my dad instilling the desire for outdoor adventures in me as well. Dads are the best!

    1. Skylar

      August 10, 2015 at 8:21 am

      Yes I agree Dad’s are the best!

  • Julie Hood

    August 9, 2015 at 1:51 am

    Staying in cabins definitely makes it easier (but tent camping is also fun and while we’ve done both cabins and tents before, I feel like I’d have to pick tents….bc I’m cheap. Haha). Lincoln National Forest looks AMAZINGGG!!!! I can’t believe how green it all is! I kinda assumed NM would be lots of dust and red and cacti. Whoops. (Also props for making your sis go scope out the trail haha.)

    1. Skylar

      August 10, 2015 at 8:21 am

      Haha it was up to my bank account to take us camping we would definitely be staying in tents! And I’m glad I could give you another perspective on what NM looks like!

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