Mile High Bloggin

SkylarJuly 4, 2013

***I wrote this post Wednesday but just now got wifi to post it!

Hello! Today I’m blogging from an airplane headed for Pierre, South Dakota!

You’ve seen the movie scenes, seen the people, and have maybe been at one point one of those people running through the airport. That was me today.

My plane from Amarillo landed in Denver and I had 30 minutes until my plane for Pierre departed. I had to wait around for my carry on which took about 5 minutes.

Then Denver airport is freakin huge in the first place. I walked as fast I could towards the train to take me from B gates to A gates. Of course I had to go down a level then back up. Once I got to B level I was walking and heard them calling my name. I had two minutes before the plane would leave and I had to get to gate 68. I was at 40 something.

Long story short I half walked and ran because I wasn’t about to be the full out sprinter in the airport. With my luck I would have busted. I made it to the counter and the lady was like what flight. I said Pierre and she smirked and laughing was like yeah you missed that one. But they called the pilot to see if they would let me on. Luckily they did!

Y’all should see this plane. It’s a two seater with two propellers on the wings. So I’m on the right side of the plane with the aisle beside me and an empty seat on the other side. Crazy. But the fight has been super smooth far.

What am I doing in Pierre, SD you’re wondering. My boyfriend’s sister lives here now so him and his parents came up to help her move to a new place and hang out. Today I’m joining them and we’ll be here for the weekend and the 4th!!

While I’m at it here are some pictures from my week. Last night we had my birthday dinner. Yes I am 21 and still have family birthday parties. Now it’s just nice to get together and eat and hang out.

My Mom and Dad made fajitas! Fajitas are one of my favorite foods.

And of course a birthday dinner calls for a birthday cake. I requested another boxed chocolate cake. It was heavenly. My mom also made homemade chocolate ice cream. It was super chocolatey!! A slice of cake and a scoop of ice cream definitely took care of my chocolate craving.

Well I think we’re descending and by the time I am able to post this I’ll be in Pierre! We’re supposed to go to Mt. Rushmore for the 4th so hopefully I’ll have pics of that. To keep up with me follow me on Instagram @skylar35!

How are you spending your 4th? Have you ever been to South Dakota?



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