Meanwhile in the dust bowl

SkylarMay 30, 2013

This beautiful flat place we call eastern New Mexico has been exhibiting Dust Bowl like symptoms. It has been windy all day every day since Monday. Tuesday after I was driving home from a trip to Amarillo to go bridesmaids dress shopping I had to have both hands on the wheel and there were times where I could barely see in front of me due to the wind blowing the dirt across the road. I believe Tuesday night I heard the wind was at speeds of like 70 mph. No joke. 

The picture does not even come close to showing how dirty and windy outside it was that day. I mean the sky was simply brown. I live in a beautiful place right?


As you can see those windy condition really make running not an option. Not for me anyways. So here’s a cardio workout video I did on Wednesday that was pretty good.

Today I did a strength workout from a YouTube channel that I’m subscribed to. Today was one of the third or fourth times I’ve done a workout from them and I’m thinking I’ll be going back for more.


With YouTube, Pinterest, and online fitness magazines there are so many resources out there to help someone workout. In the workout above it’s basically like you’re working out with the fitness models which it definitely help me go harder when I have someone to push me (virtual or real life).

I’m really hoping that tomorrow I can go run. Maybe I just need to wake up earlier too Smile

Yesterday I had dinner with one of my good friends Morgan. We ate at Applebees and then went to hang out at Bahama Bucks. My favorite summer flavor for ice cream or snowcones is coconut, so we both got white coconut shaved ice. It looks boring, but it was sooo yummy! The spoons also changed color in the cold ice and that fascinated us.


Today I worked for my Dad some and spent some of my time driving around on the ranger with my pup Marley. She decided after she went in a swim in the stock tank that she needed to join me on the ranger. She was a sweaty, dirty, smelly, wet mess of a dog and wouldn’t get out of the ranger.


And I spent my day lining up hay bales so we could load them on the trailer and haul them back to the pens. I haven’t driven the tractor I was on so I had fun zipping through the field on it.


Since my parents were gone the week before I’ve been dying for a home cooked meal! Tonight my Mom cooked some salmon that tasted pretty much like chicken so I loved it! Also, some green beans and salad. Good job Mom!


And there’s nothing like spending a little bit of time on the back porch with the birds singing as the sun is setting behind our pens . Both of the pictures below are unedited.



I can’t believe tomorrow is Friday already. This week has flown by! I don’t have any real plans for the weekend except to move more hay tomorrow, so hopefully it’ll be pretty relaxing.

And while you’re around if you could just check out my internship team introduction article that would make me exceedingly happy Smile

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