March: Month in Review

SkylarApril 4, 2021

It’s already time for a recap of March. Winter/Early Spring is generally my slow season as a wedding photographer and March felt especially slow. I always have moments where I wish I had more sessions and photography work going on. That being said, I’ve started blogging for other wedding photographers and doing some other online work, so I’ve filled in some gaps. Soon enough wedding season will be here again and I’ll be spending lots of time editing and spending weekends at events, so trying to remind myself to enjoy this season.

Ski Proposal

I did have one epic event to photograph this month-a ski proposal. The guy called me 3-4 weeks before their trip to Breckenridge Ski Resort to start planning his proposal. She evidently said yes and was super shocked! It’s always special to be a part of moments like that. I always love when two things I love collide. In this example, skiing + photography.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Brandon and I finally checked out the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs. Everyone raves about this zoo. After living here 3 years, it was way overdue for us to make a visit. It was really nice and we enjoyed seeing all the animals. I’d recommend checking it out if you’re into zoos and are visiting the area.

Unfortunately, on our walk back to our car we took a shortcut downhill and. . . I ended up slipping on some mud. I rode in the back of the Jeep on the way home. Thankful for plastic mats so I didn’t get mud all over the car!

CrossFit + Fitness

Though I coach at a CrossFit gym, I’ve been following more of a strength and bodybuilding style of programming. This past week I just wrapped up a 15 week physique cycle that focused on bench press, deadlift, and back squat with lots of accessory work. Right now it fits my goals for how I want to look, feel, and what I want out of my time in the gym. I’ll have to expand more on the decision to keep with this bodybuilding style of training at some point.

The CrossFit Open recently wrapped up and I did participate in 21.1 and 21.2. I didn’t officially sign up for the open, but just did the workouts for fun. Let me tell you. . . 21.2 was rough. Those burpee box jump overs ( I even did step-ups) totally kicked my butt. I was so surprised at how hard it was to keep breathing!

Home to New Mexico & Baby Shower

The highlight of March for me was going home to New Mexico for my sister’s baby shower. I hadn’t been home since Christmas, so a trip was way overdue. It was a whirlwind of a weekend-in a good way. I took my sister’s maternity photos which were gorgeous! I’ll share more next month once I get them edited. I also got to see family that I hadn’t seen in a long time and that was really refreshing. My sister is due in May, so pretty soon we’ll be welcoming a baby to the family and I’ll get to try out Aunt life! I’m excited for my sister and her husband. They’re going to be incredible parents. Family time at home and lots of good food is exactly what I needed to wrap up the end of March!

March Favorites

Burrito Bowls

These are almost a weekly staple in our household (as long as we have New Mexico ground beef). Ground beef + potatoes + beans+ hot sauce+ onions & peppers. All mixed up in a bowl. It’s delicious!

The Mom Jean Trend

I’ve officially hopped on the mom jean trend. I bought a pair recently from American Eagle and love them. It’s taking some getting used to wearing a slightly looser fit, but I am a fan of the high waist fit!

Succession & The Flight Attendant

We recently watched Succession and The Flight Attendant on HBO Max. We loved Succession! I can see it not being a show that everyone loves or enjoys, but once you get hooked into the story and the characters you have to keep watching.

The Flight Attendant is a fun, short suspenseful show. With only one season and eight episodes, we got through that one quickly. Some parts of the show and moments drove us crazy, but overall another cute and interesting show.

My husband and our cat

I always love seeing the different ways and different spots that are cat enjoys sleeping and napping. I couldn’t help taking this photo of him getting his snooze on before we went to bed. And simply thankful for my husband and all the joy and laughter he brings in my life. I also just wanted to add this cute photo of him diligently working into this post. 🙂

That wraps up March! Nothing too wild or exciting happening. March was a slow, yet stressful month for me with my work, so I’m really looking forward to things getting moving again in April. My monthly recaps have been a good way for me to reflect on what actually happened over the past month and have been an easy, low commitment way to continue showing up monthly on my personal blog. I love having this space and know I have to keep it.

Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend with your family and have some exciting things to look forward to in April!

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