Looking Back on 2015

SkylarDecember 31, 2015

When I reflect on the year 2015 I think of it as the year I became a full adult, but then a few months later I said “nah, nevermind”. 2015 was a big year for me with a lot of changes. I had my first adult job, moved home, moved to Lubbock, and started graduate school. My blog has become like an online journal for me, so I really value recapping things that happen in my life. 


//First Teaching Job

It’s crazy to think that almost a year ago I was preparing my new classroom to start my first semester as a real high school teacher for broadcast/video production. I remember being nervous and anxious, yet excited to start this new venture.

January Favorites | Day in the Life of a High School Teacher

new job blonde freedom

//Trip to Austin for South by Southwest

For spring break I hopped on a plane to Austin, Texas for South By Southwest. I stayed with my uncle and his sweet family while in Austin. We only got to experience one full day of SXSW, but it was incredible and I can’t wait to go back sometime. 

Austin// Spring Break Part 1

SXSW 2015

//Trip to Atlanta, GA

From Austin I flew to St. Louis, MO to spend the rest of my spring break with my boyfriend. When he picked me up in St. Louis we hit the road for Atlanta, GA. It was time to meet the parents! So we did the whole family thing and that went well. He also took me to the typical places to visit while in Atlanta such as the Georgia Aquarium and CNN. Time always goes by too fast when I’m with him. 

Atlanta//Spring Break Part 2

ATL br and i driving

//Off to San Diego, California

When I returned home from Missouri I had one full day to recover before I took a group of my high school students to San Diego for a broadcast/video competition. Luckily there were two other schools from our area going so I wasn’t fully alone and had some other teachers to guide me. I absolutely loved my time in San Diego and of course had the best time with my high school students. To this day I’m still so proud of them. San Diego is a city that I want to go back to someday to visit. I didn’t get enough of it while I was there. 

5 Reasons Why I Love San Diego

San Diego beach6

//Reality of Teaching Field Hit

Sometime in April I learned that the high school I was working at would not be able to rehire me for the start of the new school year in the fall due to district budget cuts. I was heartbroken. I had fallen in love with the high school, the staff, broadcast/video production, and most of all the students I had. Very quickly I was facing the reality of what it’s like to be in the teaching field and to be a fresh graduate from college. I’m not bitter about it or anything. I think it ended up being a good opportunity for me to refocus and find what I really want to be doing. (Below is a dramatic picture of me contemplating life haha)


//Home for the Summer

After school was out and I tied up those loose ends, I moved back home for the summer. Since I was young, working for my Dad on our family farm has always been my summer job. He of course was happy to have me home and had plenty of work for me to do.

There’s No Place Like Home


I didn’t have a plan for what my next step would be, but I knew I wouldn’t be returning to the classroom. Teaching broadcast/video production made me realize that media is the field I have always been interested in pursuing. I had known that for a long time, but my job really confirmed that. I applied to the graduate program at Texas Tech for Media & Communication. When I stumbled upon this program at Tech I immediately felt a sense of peace come over me, I knew this was the direction I needed to go. I sent in my application and soon I got the e-mail saying I was accepted.



This year of CrossFit was a year of getting stronger and starting to get the hang of doing basic lifts. I also feel like I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in.  I did the CrossFit Open and cried during 15.2 with overhead squats. I competed in my first CrossFit competition. This fall I started flexible dieting and have been eating more than ever before and have never felt better during WODs. 

Why I’m Competing in the CrossFit Open | Why 15.2 Made Me Cry | 20 Lessons from One Year of CrossFit

One-Year-of-CrossFit 2


Photography has always been a favorite hobby of mine since I took a film class and photojournalism classes in college. This past year I really had this strong desire to pursue photography as a business. I attended a workshop in June that really got me on my feet and gave me a shove to get started. I’ve learned a lot in the past six months and am excited for my future with this little side business.

kenzee sneak-2

//Trip to Tybee Island + Savannah, GA + Missouri

This summer I joined my boyfriend and his family on their family vacation to Savannah, GA. To be more specific we actually were on Tybee Island for the week. I had never been on a true beach vacation before and loved it. Somehow I avoided getting badly sunburned so I consider that a big success. We spent a small amount time in Savannah and that definitely wasn’t enough. Savannah is another place I have to go back to. 

Vacation in Savannah

Savannah vacay web-1

After our week on the beach I returned to Missouri with my boyfriend for a few days and begged him to take these pictures. For some weird reason he puts up with my requests. 

Savannah vacay web-11

//Cloudcroft Trip

My family loves going to the mountains during the summer to ride trails. Thankfully, we got a chance to go, so we loaded up the dirt bikes and the ranger and were on our way! The mountains have always been one of my favorite places to be since I was little. It’s always relaxing and rejuvenating. 

Mountain Get-Away

Cloudcroft Trip-22

//Grad School

In August I moved to Texas to start my first semester of graduate school at Tech. Moving to a new place was more difficult that I thought it would be. I quickly adjusted to living in a new town, starting a new job as a teaching assistant, and my graduate level classes. The hard part was not knowing anyone so my social life was kinda lame and nonexistent for awhile. But with time I’ve made some great friends who I enjoy being around and I look forward to hanging out with in the spring. Oh, I passed all my classes for the semester too!

Day in the Life of a Grad Student | My First Semester of Graduate School




I’ve been home for winter break since the middle of December. I’ve enjoyed being able to relax a little bit and getting to spend lots of time with my family. 

Christmas Survey | Christmas 2015 Recap

Kenze Christmas Eve-3

2015 was a better year than I could have ever imagined it would be. There are so many moments and happenings in 2015 that I wish I had the time, space, and memory to recap. This year I’ve really seen how God truly does have better plans for me than what I can imagine.  I had been planning to teach again in the fall, but that was redirected for the better. Sometimes I get caught up in what I think is best for my future. I have a dreamer mind and always have great ideas about what my future life should look like. But those are just dreams and likely don’t fit what God has dreamed up for me. 

Anyways, I’m really looking forward to 2016. I have big hopes and dreams for this next year and know that it will also be another year of growth. And thank you for taking the time to read my blog! I really appreciate each and every person who takes the time to read my words. 

Have a happy New Year!!

How was your 2015?

Comments (3)

  • Emilie Burke (@burkedoes)

    January 2, 2016 at 6:19 am

    What an exciting year it was! Cheers to 2016!

  • liv

    January 4, 2016 at 4:59 pm

    Beautiful pictures 🙂 I loved the way your post reads like a story. p.s. Did you go to Shippensburg University? I saw your shirt in the Crossfit picture ha ha. I am from around that area so I had to ask!


  • Julie Hood

    January 5, 2016 at 5:54 pm

    I love this recap–and I’ve loved reading these posts throughout the year. I remember talking about being prom chaperones last year. Crazy how much changes in a year, right? This spring you’re in grad school and I’ll be on maternity leave!

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