Looking Back on 2014

SkylarDecember 30, 2014

2014 was a year for the books and I still can’t believe it’s coming to a close. When I think back on 2014 I see two distinct sections of my life. Last spring was one of the funnest times in college I’ve ever had. It was my last semester with most of my sorority sisters and we lived it up (seriously though). Then summer came and went and I was back in school, but I was doing my final semester of student teaching. I didn’t feel like a college student at all and I was consistently wondering and waiting to figure out what I’m doing with my life. The truth is I will be ending the year with my life not completely figured out, but at least I do have an amazing job lined up. Anyways lets review…

I began my final year of college.


And my final semester being active in my sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha.


I spent my Spring Break in Vegas with my best friends and sorority sisters.



I started dating this handsome guy who continues to make me happy. Somehow he sticks around and says he loves me despite my weird and awkward ways.

 Me & Brandon

My family went to Austin, TX for the X Games.


We spent time with family in Austin and I continued to fall in love with that place.


I started doing CrossFit and immediately fell in love. 

Skylar Starbuck CrossFit Wall Balls

We had a litter of kitties at our house this summer and I fell back in love with cats.

 kitty collage jul 17kittie collage 2 jul17

When I wasn’t playing with the new kitties, I was working with my Dad on the farm.

 dad sprinkler

I started my final semester of college with student teaching and spent my days with 14-18 year olds.

 Teacher grading 10-9

I visited my strapping young boyfriend in Missouri and saw the St. Louis Arch.

 St. Louis Arch

Finally, I graduated college!

Graduation Mom Dad Kenz

 IMG_70372014 has been a good year indeed! This post doesn’t even begin to cover how wonderful and fun this past year was. Below I have a list of some of my favorite blog posts from this past year. I encourage you to just pick one and give it a read!

 Favorite Blog Posts

Spring Break 2014 in Vegas

21 Things I Learned My 21st Year

And It Begins: CrossFit

I Dropped My Iced Coffee

I’m Turning 22 and It’s Okay

You Need Other People

Austin Part 2: My Home Away From Home

5 Things Sorority Life Gave Me

My Summer Job: Farming With Dad

Uncovering the Ashes

Season of Waiting

Fall Break

Understanding the Netflix Binge

Why You Need to Go Self-Hosted

11 Realizations About Small Town Life

Thoughts on Graduation

Graduation Recap

I hope you have a wonderful New Years!!

Tell me about one of your favorite moments from 2014!

Comments (2)

  • Cailee

    January 1, 2015 at 8:35 pm

    Congratulations!!! looks like you had an amazing 2014!! Seriously! Congrats on your graduation as well!! SO exciting!! Happy 2015! 🙂

  • Kendel

    January 3, 2015 at 12:01 am

    Your 2014 was freaking AWESOME! 2015 is going to have to work hard to beat it 😉 Congrats on graduation (again, I think). I can’t even pick out a favourite moment from this year! Ha. Probably just exploring (kind of) my to-be new city! That is the best. Hope you had a good New Year’s and that 2015 treats you well! 😀

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