What I Learned at a Nutrition Seminar

SkylarNovember 24, 2014

On Friday night my CrossFit box had a nutrition seminar that I attended. The owner of a local nutrition supplement shop came and spoke to us and brought us some free stuff. I learned quite a few things about nutrition and supplements that I didn’t know before.

Nutrishop Gear

Being someone who is into the health/fitness world I almost assume I have a pretty good grasp on nutrition. However, I was gladly proven wrong and was excited to learn a few new things. Here’s what I got out of it during the seminar and afterwards when I sat down to talk with her.

*Keep in mind this is what I learned from one nutritionist at one seminar. What she told me may not work for you or you may not agree with.

  • I need to be eating more protein. I need to aim to eat my body weight in grams of protein each day. I have a lot of protein to be eating!
  • I’ve been eating a “shit storm” for breakfast. Excuse the language, but I did not stutter that’s what she called it. What I eat for breakfast about 90% of the time is oatmeal with peanut butter and a banana. That is two carbs and a fat. I need to be eating some source of protein in the morning. She suggested I add egg whites or try something else for breakfast.


  • My meals need to be made up of 40% protein 40% carbs and 20 % fats. OR 50% proteins, 30% carbs, 20 % fats.
  • Daily I need to keep my sugar to 25 grams or less. That’s not very much sugar people.
  • After a workout I need to be getting some protein in my body. 30 to 60 minutes after my body is crying out for protein. This is something several people have told me and now I’m really going to try to do it for the sake of my poor muscles.
  • When looking for a protein powder check that the grams of protein is larger than total grams of fat, carbs, and sugar added together. I went and checked both of the protein powders I hand on hand.

Progenex CollageProgenex: Fat 1 gram + Carbs 11 grams + Sugar 5 grams = 17 grams <  Total Protein 31 grams

Milkshake Bar Protein collage

Protein Milkshake Powder: Fat 2 grams + Carbs 3 grams + Sugar 3 grams = 8 grams < Total Protein 20 grams

Both of my protein powders passed the test!

  • Get your protein as much as you can from real food. Then add shakes.
  • Keep track of what you’re eating with the app My Fitness Pal. Then you can get a look at how much protein you are consuming daily and how that compares with everything else you eat.
  • If you’re thinking of trying a diet or new way of eating ask yourself: Is that way of eating sustainable? Do you see yourself eating that way for a long time?
  • That bottle of L-Glutamine powder I have needs to finds its way into my protein shakes. Glutamine is an abundant amino acid in your body. Adding a spoonful of L-Glutamine powder to a protein shake after a high intense workout helps reduce muscle soreness.Glutamine Powder

That about covers everything that I can remember from the seminar. After a somewhat intense at-home workout on Saturday I decided I would put what I learned to use and have a protein shake.

I was sent a sample of Protein Milkshake powder in the flavor of chocolate mousse. I finally tried it by blending it up with some almond milk and drinking it out of my nifty new shaker bottle. The flavor of the powder was a smooth creamy chocolate! It was like drinking a cup of chocolate milk only blended. If you’re interested in trying out their powder then click on the link to Protein Milkshake. They have a lot of cool flavors!


Protein Milkshake

Excuse the messy hair and chipped nail polish. Anyways, I will definitely be attending future nutrition/health/fitness related seminars that I can. It was very informative and made me rethink my thoughts toward protein and its role in my life.

Have you ever attended a nutrition seminar? Was it helpful?

Comments (2)

  • Shelly

    November 24, 2014 at 8:51 pm

    Sounds like you got a lot of great info at your seminar! I am a huge proponent of protein and am a fanatic about eating 25 grams of protein every 3ish hours to account for a total of 125 grams a day. I haven’t attended any seminars per se, but when I competed in Fitness & Figure I learned a great deal about nutrition. The notion of 30% gym and 70% diet is so true!

  • Kendel

    November 25, 2014 at 4:43 am

    I’m definitely interested in nutrition, so I will be adding some of these points to my diet (which is rubbish). I’ve been looking for protein powders and the like so I will definitely be looking into your ones! I don’t know if they are available in NZ or can even be shipped here. It seems that all the good stuff can’t be shipped 🙁 I will be looking out nutrition seminars when I move to the city!

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