Last Post as a 20 Year Old

SkylarJune 26, 2013

Yep today is my last day being 20 years old. I’ve been waiting for this day to get here for the past year, but now that it has arrived I wish it would go back a couple of days. So does that mean my 21st birthday is tomorrow. No. No it does not. Actually I’m turning 22 tomorrow.

Kidding. Tomorrow is my 21st birthday! June 27 Smile

21st Birthday Pin

I’ll entering into the beginning of my third decade here on earth. What is that! I’m getting old. It seems like just the other day we were at my house having my 20th birthday party. I got  “The Lion King” on DVD and I was super excited. My face was appears to have been really oily that day haha.

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I have been missing from my blog all week, so let me catch y’all up on some happenings. As I mentioned in my last post last weekend one of my best friends got married.

It was a simple and sweet wedding. I enjoyed hanging out with the bride and the bridesmaids all day Saturday before the wedding. We got a little bored so we acted a little weird…



We had enough time to grow some beards.


And now for a picture of me with the bride. She was beautiful and was literally glowing all day!


I wish Kaitlen and Seth the best and pray that they have a very blessed marriage.

I’ve been slacking at waking up and getting my workout in lately. Monday night I did have sand volleyball so that definitely worked out some muscles I don’t use all the time anymore. Tuesday I was lazy and didn’t get up to work out nor did I have time after working to work out.

Today I finally got a morning workout in. I did running intervals that Sarah posted on her blog: Self Magazine Editor’s Favorite Cardio Workout. I enjoyed doing it and it made my workout fly by. It was what I needed to get back into my workout groove this week.

After I got done working today with my Dad, I came home and did this yoga/stretch video from Tone It Up. It was my ideal way to stretch and cool down after a workout or at the end of the day. A regular yogi might not like it, but since I haven’t been doing as much yoga lately it was a nice video to get me back into it. (The link to make it appear on the page wasn’t working for some odd reason.)

Now I have to show y’all the maxi skirt I got a few weeks ago. It’s really hard for me to find maxi skirts or dresses that are long enough and are still my size. Being tall sucks sometimes. So if you’re short just tell God thank you. Finally I found one that is cute and long enough.


I like to wear a black or red tank with a chambray denim shirt over it. In the picture I’m wearing a denim jacket. It’s a really comfy skirt that can either be worn as casual or Sunday dress attire.

And I made an investment by picking up some cinnamon bagels at Wal-Mart the other morning. They are never at the Wal-Mart or Albertson’s we go to, so when I saw them I had to get them. I’ve had a 1/2 with a bowl of yogurt, peanut butter, and bananas.



And today I had 1/2 of a cinnamon bagel with a green monster smoothie after my run.


Cinnamon bagels are simply delicious. My sister, mom, and I absolutely love them.

Well that’s it for tonight! My birthday plans for tomorrow are to actually wake up to work out,  to go get my horizontal i.d., get a pedicure with the bride-to-be of this weekend, go to Kelly’s (a lunch bar type place), and then later that evening go to dinner with my family and a certain boy who makes me laugh.

Oh just so you know I’ll be eating chocolate cake for breakfast. That’s right be jealous.

So I don’t know about you, but I’m about to be 21. Take it over T-Swift.


What helps you get motivated to start working out again? Have you had your 21st birthday and what did you do or recommend doing?

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