It’s June!! That means only 25 more days until my 21st birthday! Woo hoo!
June also means two of my best friends will be married and I am a bridesmaid in both. I also have a wedding to go to the weekend before those two. I’ll have 3 wedding weekends in a row. It’ll be a little crazy, but it should be a lot of fun and really exciting to see my friends tie the knot!
When I think back on May I realize that I was at school this time last month in the midst of the last two weeks. I didn’t think I would make it to this day…with a 4.0 anyways haha.
Now for some goals for June:
Yoga once a week
Get to where I can run up to 7 miles
Workout 5-6 days a week
Find perfect whole wheat pancake recipe

About 3 of these goals aren’t likely to happen. Which ones do you think those will be?
And since I mentioned Ellie earlier here’s a song of hers that I recently discovered and now love. (Still second to “I Need Your Love”).
Comments (1)
June 3, 2013 at 5:39 am
Sooo I want to meet Ellie Goulding. We can make that a mutual goal to tackle together. But yoga and running- totally possible! I’d say you will absolutely be able to get these done! Maybe not California for the rest of the summer… but you never know!