June ‘13

SkylarJune 2, 2013

It’s June!! That means only 25 more days until my 21st birthday! Woo hoo!

June also means two of my best friends will be married and I am a bridesmaid in both. I also have a wedding to go to the weekend before those two. I’ll have 3 wedding weekends in a row. It’ll be a little crazy, but it should be a lot of fun and really exciting to see my friends tie the knot!

When I think back on May I realize that I was at school this time last month in the midst of the last two weeks. I didn’t think I would make it to this day…with a 4.0 anyways haha.

Now for some goals for June:


Yoga once a week

Get to where I can run up to 7 miles

Workout 5-6 days a week

Find perfect whole wheat pancake recipe

Find a cat and take a catbearding picture
Be the best bridesmaid possible
Have a memorable 21st birthday (or should I say unmemorable haha jk!)
Redesign my blog
Get 1/2 of my required articles written for my internship
Hang out with Ellie Goulding because we’re friends ya know. She needs a kleenex…
Stay on top of my online chemistry class blahh :/
Take lots of pictures and actually edit them!
Go to California and be a beach bum for a week… or maybe the whole month or rest of summer.

About 3 of these goals aren’t likely to happen. Which ones do you think those will be?

And since I mentioned Ellie earlier here’s a song of hers that I recently discovered and now love. (Still second to “I Need Your Love”).

Comments (1)

  • pickyrunner

    June 3, 2013 at 5:39 am

    Sooo I want to meet Ellie Goulding. We can make that a mutual goal to tackle together. But yoga and running- totally possible! I’d say you will absolutely be able to get these done! Maybe not California for the rest of the summer… but you never know!

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